Aquarium Selection Installing the aquarium Aquarium accessories Water in the aquarium Primer for the aquarium Stones, snags and other Lighting in an aquarium Aeration and filtration Heating the aquarium First start Fish, place of origin Diseases of fish Feeding fish Plants Diseases of plants Care of the aquarium Seaweed Isotivation of the aquarium at home Breeding fish Snails and invertebrates

Infectious Diseases


Bacteria Flexibacter columnaris. The optimum temperature for the development of bacteria is 23-27 degrees.

The disease mainly affects the live-bearing fish.

The diseased fish white mouth, on the lips in the form of a white coating of moss appears on the body with bruises with a filamentous border along the edges; The defeat of the gills occurs, which leads to the fact that the fish keeps at the surface of the water and swallows the air. In some species of fish (for example, in guppies), a red scab appears on the tail.

The disease is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms, epizootic data and the results of a microbiological study.

Drug for adding to aquarium water:

  • 100 mg griseofulvin + 500 mg erythrocycline per 10 liters of water;
  • 0,15 - 0,2 g of oxacillin per 100 liters of water (treatment carried out in a separate vessel).

You can also add 10 grams of table salt to 10 liters of water in an aquarium with plants from which fish are transplanted, and leave it for 2 to 3 weeks free of fish. Periodically raise the temperature to 35 - 38 degrees.

  • 40 - 50 g of table salt per 10 liters of water, holding for 2 - 3 days (the method is not suitable for barbs);
  • 200 - 300 mg of levomycetin per 1 liter of water, aging for 5 days.

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