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Herpes - a virus.

ehpizootologicheskaja DATA
Affects the carp fish.

The spread of the disease contributes to poor sanitary condition of aquarium fish feeding with artificial feed, without vitamins, the lack of calcium in the water. Because of the long incubation period (sometimes up to a year) symptoms of the disease usually appear in fish two years and older. In the body of the fish formed parafinoobraznye epithelioma tumor-matte blue. At the beginning of the disease on the fins, tail and trunk, as well as on the body of the fish appear small solitary, whitish patches of color. in case of severe course of the disease and tumor merge almost continuous layer covering the entire surface of the body. Smallpox is not causing the death of fish, slowing their growth.

The disease is diagnosed based on clinical signs of disease.

Treatment has not been developed.

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