Aquarium Selection Installing the aquarium Aquarium accessories Water in the aquarium Primer for the aquarium Stones, snags and other Lighting in an aquarium Aeration and filtration Heating the aquarium First start Fish, place of origin Diseases of fish Feeding fish Plants Diseases of plants Care of the aquarium Seaweed Isotivation of the aquarium at home Breeding fish Snails and invertebrates



Sporovik Plistophora hyphessobryconis. The diameter is about 0.03 mm. In the development cycle there is a sporoblast stage. At this stage, the fungus can parasitize the muscles of infected fish. In each of the sporoblasts, which are usually located in groups, a large number of miroscopic spores are formed. Of the maturing spores of the fungus, amoeboid sprouts emerge, which, once ingested into the intestine of the fish, again give sporoblasts, and the disease seizes new areas of the body. Germs of the parasite can fall on the eggs.

The disease is most often exposed to neon, zebrafish, tetra violet, guppies, lanterns.

The muscles of the trunk are affected. From the muscle tissue and the skin of the diseased fish, also with the urine, spores of the fungus enter the water, and then with food are swallowed by other fish and attached to their gastrointestinal tract. Sprouts that come out of the spores, are introduced into the walls of the intestine and, together with the blood, enter the muscles of the body. There is a highlighting of the body of diseased fish due to the formation of translucent white patches in the muscles through the integument, and at first grayish or glassy white spots appear on the body and head, which gradually expand to cover the entire body. The fish is disturbed by the coordination of movements, it swims its tail down, at an angle of 45-60 degrees, trying to jump out of this position, but this only succeeds for 5-10 seconds. He does not sleep at night, but swims uneasily. Upper and caudal fins are compressed, rastoropany. The fish tremble, ulcers can form on her body. There is a general exhaustion, the abdomen can become hollow.

The disease is diagnosed on the basis of clinical and pathoanatomical signs of the disease.

In the muscle tissue, fungal colonies are found for several dozen pieces, the size of which reaches 30 microns. Within them, one can notice egg-shaped spores of 4-6 microns in length.

Clearly sick fish and plants should be destroyed. Remove the soil from the aquarium. The aquarium should be disinfected with a 5% solution of hydrochloric acid or chlorine lime.
Preparations for addition in feed:

  • 50 mg of erythrocycline per 1 liter of water; Mix with dry food;
  • 10 mg griseofulvin per 1 liter of water; Mix with dry food;
  • 5 mg Trichopolum per 1 liter of water; Mix with dry food;
  • 10 g of methylene blue per 1 liter of water; Mix with dry food.

Pisces, whose health deteriorates during treatment, should be destroyed.

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