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Index UX, PFTS (Informers of stock market indices)

Official exchange rates of NBU currencies, cash exchange rate of the US dollar, Euro, Russian ruble (Currency informers)

UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/)

Shares, blue chips, liquidity rating (Stock market informers)

UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/)

Rates of deposits, loans (Informers of the credit market)

UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/)

Index UX, PFTS (Informers of stock market indices)

UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/) UFS informer (http://ufs.com.ua/)