Accepted Automobile Normative Documents (decrees, laws, regulations)

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Automotive Normative Documents

download About the transfer from the transport authorities to those of the self-contained vehicles and vehicles

download About the introduction of changes to the Law of Ukraine "About a payment from the owners of transport vehicles of those own cars" and "freight rates"

download About road laws The law dated 30.06.1993

download ПОСТАНОВА від 22 квітня 2009 р. N 395 ро роменння змін to the Rules expensive ruhu

download About the payment from the transport authorities for those who own cars and vehicles for them 01.07.2009

download ПОСТАНОВА від 22 квітня 2009 р. N 395 Київ Про внесення змін до Правила до дорожнього руху

download THE LAW OF UKRAINE About the amendment to the Law of Ukraine "About the payment of the property of transport owners of those own vehicles" and "rates of payment" as of 05.03.2009 No. 1075-VI

download Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 466 of May 21, 2009

download Про затвердження Інструкції з діяльності підрозділів дорожньо-патрульної службаби Державтоінспекції МВС України 11/13/2006 N 1111

Про затвердження Інструкції з питань діяльності підрозділів дорожньо-патрульної службаби Державтоінспекції МВС 03/27/2009 N 111

download About you come to schodo polyshennya look at the road ru that is in vzaimovidnosin mіліції із Власниками транспортных засобів NAKAZ N 482 vіd 30.06.98 м.Київ

download POSSTOVA vіd 17 грудня 2008 р. N 1102 Київ Про затвердження The order of the timchas zatrimnya ta zberіgannya transportnykh zasobіv na spetsialnikh maidanchichakh і стоянках

download POSTANOVA vіd 25 лютого 2009 р. N 247 Київ Про утворення Ради автомобілістів та автоперевізників

download NAKAZ vіd 26.02.2009 N 77 About zastverdzhennya Інструкції з оформлення працівниками Derzhavtoinstruсії МВС матеріалів about adminіstrivnіnyh zaslashenya in the areas of carelessness безпеки дорожнього рух

Normative actives, yaki regulate the robot Derzhavtoinspektsii

download The Law of Ukraine "About the Millions"

download The Law of Ukraine "About Road Rukh"

download Law of Ukraine "About Automobile Transport"

download "Convention on Road Rush"

download The Law of Ukraine "Concerning the Transport of Non-Inflammable Wangs"

download The Law of Ukraine "On the Introduction of the Law to the Acting Laws of Ukraine on the Transport of Ownership" dated 06.12.2006 No. 427-V

download The Law of Ukraine "About the entry of deputies to the legislative acts of Ukraine in the sphere of legislation on the protection of the roads of the road" dated September 24, 2008 No. 586-VI

download The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 613 dated 20.07.2006 " About the entry of the president and the rules for the road transportation of non-visiting wagons "

download The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 341 dated 14.04.1997. About Poslozhenia about the Power Car Auto Inspection Ministry of Internal Affairs

download Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1388 dated 07.09.1998 р. About zastverdzhennya Rules of state control of cars, buses, and such self-propelled machines, built on shasi cars, motorcycles of various types, brands i models, attachments, accessories and motorbikes

download The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 340 dated 08.05.1993. "About zastverdzhennya Pozdljana about the order vidichi posvіdchen vodyіa ta admission hromadyan to keruvannya transportnymi zasolami"

download The Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine dated 03.09.1993 No. 394 " About the consolidation of the architecture of the order of the accession of the exiles, the registration of the form (obminu), the registration of documents, the posting of exclusive credentials "

download The order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on 10.04.2002 No. 335 "About the consolidation of the architecture, the reorganization of the transport infrastructure, the design of the document and the number of documents, the number of signs on them, and the deadline for the re-registration of externships in Ukraine.

download Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 606 від 9.07.2008 р. "About zastverdzhennya Order conducted by the state technical inspection of kolisnykh transport zashchestv"

download Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 607 від 9.07.2008 р. "About zastverdzhennya Order nadnnya sub'ektam dovodarjuvannya povnovazhen on podvnya perevirki tehnichnogo stanu kolisnykh transport zashchestv pid hour of the technical technician looking back "

download The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1086 dated 17.12.2008 "About the solidification Order of the Timas viluchenia of the settlement of water, the pass for the passage of the state technical inspection of the li- cense card to the transport station"

download Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1276 від 18.08.2000 р. About the wording of the word i dopovnen before the statement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on September 7, 1998 p. N 1388 та вiд 31 грудня 1993 р. N 1094

download The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 795 dated 4.06.2007 р. "About zastverdzhennya perelіk paid attendants, yakі mozhut nadavatysya bodies that pidrozdilami Ministry of Internal Affairs"

download Order No. 369/1105/336 dated 5.10.2007 "About zastverdzhennya Розмiрiв pay for nadannya has served as organs and pidrozdiliami Ministry of Internal Affairs ti order ordering."

download The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1457 dated 26.09.2002. About the wording of ministers to the active ones, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

download The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 dated 10.10.2001. About the rules of expensive ruhu.

download The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 30 dated 18.01.2001 " About progazd velogabaritnih those velikovagikh transport zabobov avtomobilnimi roads, volitsyami zaliznichnimi pereizdami "

download The order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine № 335 від 10.04.2002 р. About zastverdzhennya Istruktcii about the holding of the state, the reorganization of the transport objects, the registration of i types of re-registration documents, numbered signs on them, that zdiysnennya perevirok reestraziyno-ex. Pidrozdilivi Derzhavtoinspektsii MVS Ukraini.

download Спільний наказ МВС України та МОЗ України № 400/666 від 09.092009 " About the solidification of the infrastructure about the vilification of the water transport means, we know the alcoholic, the narcotic, the cynical, the pseudo-alcohol, the drug, the drug, the sun, the respect, the shvidkіst reaktsії"

download The Code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine on administrative infringement (sttti 1 - 212-2)

download The Code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine on administrative infringement (sttti 213 - 330)

download The order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine № 77 від 26.02.2009 р. "About zastverdzhennya Інструкції з оформлення працівниками Державтоінспекції MVS матеріалів about адміністративні зашенняня in the spheres of carelessness of the expensive road"

download Спільний The order of the State Treasury of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated December 28, 2009 No. 546/471 " About the consolidation of the order of the inter-agency bodies of the State Treasury of Ukraine by the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the process of keeping the state budget in the process of getting rid of ad- ministrative penalties in the areas of security of the roadless road Ruhu "

download Derzhavna programma zabezpechennia bezpeki ruhu on avtomobilnyh roads, vilitsy mist, ihshih population items i zaiznichnyh pereizdah for 2003 - 2007 rock

download Decree dated 12/28/2005 No. 1242 "About the solidification of the maps of the region of road transport is suitable for the construction of the shodoi zapovnennya"

download Наказ від 03/27/2009 № 111 "Про затвердження Інструкції з іння діяльності підрозділів дорожньо-патрульної слуби Державтоінспекції МВС"

download The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated October 29, 2007 No. 432 "About the installation of car license numbers of passenger cars, vipopovidih ​​vidpodіdo to vimog stavnyh standard, yakі moyut kombinatsiyu z chotirihh novovyh figures і in the intersteps from 0001 to 0009, sho ocoyuyutsya bazhanyam vlasnikov avtovikh avtomobilіv"

download The order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine dated November 30, 2007 No. 466 "About the consolidation of the order of the pre-emption, the form of the number of the numbered signs of the transport operations, the visa for the індивідуальне мовленняня їх власників"

download The order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine dated October 13, 2008 No. 534 "About the solidification The order of the control over the technical camp of the number of transport vehicles during the hour of operation"

download The Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine dated December 30, 2008, No. 697 "About the Entry of Zmitsin to the Order of the MVS dated October 13, 2008, No. 534"

download Decree of the President of Ukraine dated November 20, 2007 No. 1121/2007 "About the failure to enter the country, avoiding expensive roads "

download Timchasov poslozhnya about obnovnovazhennya sub'ektiv gosdarjuvannya on the performance of the revision of the technical camp of the collegiate transport enterprises after the hour of the state technical inspection

download Draft legislative acts and normative-legal acts of preparation Derzhavtominvestsiyeju МВС України

download Звіти about the base відстеження результативності регуного акту