Admіnistrativnі stjagnennja perebachenі for porushennya PDR 2010

The law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving the Regulation of Relations in the Sphere of Ensuring Road Safety" (simply - on raising fines) was supported by 386 people's deputies out of 439 who were present in the hall. So, after 7 years, during which the SAI and MVD tried to return effective levers of influence on the violators of traffic rules, the goal was finally achieved.

Comparative table of fines for the most common types of traffic violations according to the Code of Administrative Offenses

Comparative table of fines for the most common types of traffic violations according to the Code of Administrative Offenses

Art. CAO

Type of violation

It was


121. part 4

Violations of the rules for the use of seat belts or motorcycle helmets.

a warning
Or 3.4-8.5 UAH.

51-85 UAH.

122 parts 1

Exceeding the speed of more than 20 km / h, violation of the requirements of road signs and marking, rules for the transportation of people or cargo, towing the vehicle, stopping, parking, parking and payment for it, the passage of pedestrian crossings, failure to provide pedestrians with unregulated crossings Rules of traffic on the sidewalks or footpaths.

a warning
Or 3,4-17 UAH.

255-340 UAH.

122 p. 2

Violations of the rules for the passage of intersections, stops of public transport and the failure to provide advantages in the movement of route vehicles, violation of the rules of overtaking and counter-passing, safe distance or interval, placement of vehicles on the carriageway, traffic on motorways, use of lighting devices and warning signals and their re-equipment in violation of standards , The rules of using communication facilities, study driving.

a warning
Or 3,4-17 UAH.

425-510 UAH.

122 h. 3

Exceeding the speed of more than 50 km / h, driving to a prohibited signal of a traffic light or gesture of the regulator, failure to provide the benefits of the emergency and rescue services, fire fighting services, medical assistance, police, moving with the included special signals, violation of stopping or parking rules, which interferes with the road Movement or its safety, refusal of payment for a parking.

a warning
Or 3,4-17 UAH.

510-680 hrn.

122 h. 4

Violations provided for in part 1, 2 or 3 of this article, which caused the emergency situation.

34-68 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 6-12 months.

680-850 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 6-12 months.

123 hours 1

Violations of the rules for the passage of railway crossings.

34-68 UAH.

340-425 UAH.

123 hours 3

Violations of the rules for the passage of railway crossings, which caused the creation of an emergency situation.

68-136 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 6-12 months.

340-680 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 1-2 years

130 p. 1

Control of the vehicle in a state of intoxication, under the influence of narcotic drugs and drugs, the transfer of the right to administer to persons in a similar condition, and also to avoid checking for intoxication.

255-340 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 1-2 years

2550-3400 UAH. Or deprivation of rights for 1-2 years

130 hours 2

Repeated throughout the year violation,
Stipulated in part 1 of this article.

340-680 UAH. Or forfeiture of rights for 2-3 years

Deprivation of rights for 2-3 years with payment withdrawal of the vehicle or without it

Admіnistrativnі stjagnennja peredbacheni for porushennya PDR.

  (Nabuli chinostі з 16.11.2008)


See the administrative barriers
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Розмір penalty
Інші стягнення

Stattie 80.

Vipusk v ekspluatatsyu transport zasobiiv, y yakikh vmist zabrudnichikh ruchovin u vidprtsyovanivyh gazakh pereishchuet established normativi, -

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'ectiv gordarnkoi dіyalnіі from 1360 to 1700 UAH.

Stattieu 81.

Exploitation of motor vehicles that are overperforming in zavischennyam standards for vzistu zabrudnegikhchikh rechovin u vidpratsovovanyh gazah, -

Fine from 510 to 850 UAH .

Article 121.

Keruvannia by transporting with the help of tax-guards, sho muyut tehnichnі nespravnostі (galmovoy sistemi, rudder management, tugovo-zichnogo add-on, sovnіshnі svіtlivyh priladіv (dark pori pro) with some technical irregularities, overridden in criminals, such and such did not pass the state technical inspection,

Fine from 340 to 425 UAH.

Keruvannya by water transport junkies, yakі vikoristovuytsya for nadannya umig z vezvezennya pasazhirіv, scho maiyut neprravnostі -

Fine from 680 to 850 UAH.

Repeatedly stretching the rock to the front, -

Podbavlenya rights kerуvannya transported by strikes on lines from 3 to 6 місяців або адміністративний arrest on lines from 5 to 10 діб.

Porushenny rules koristustannya beltless baize motorcycle enthusiasts -

Fine from 51 to 85 UAH.

Keruvannia by transport means, not by means of reestablishment in the established order, without a license plate with a number plate, but not with a peck of a tax, but without a coupon about passing through the state technical inspection of the ticket, but not lying on top of the breeze,

Fine from 170 to 255 UAH.

Repeatedly stretching the rock to the frontier, in front of the part of the p'yatoy tsієї statti, -

Fine from 255 to 510 UAH. Abo gromadskі roboti on lines from 30 to 40 godin, z paid viluchennyam transport zaobu chi without such.

Stattie 121-1.

The exploitation of water transport vehicles, the identification of warehouses, parts of which do not meet the requirements of the reestra- sion documents, znischeni abo pidrobleni, -

Fine from 255 to 340 UAH.

Stattja 121-2.

Pereveznnya in the regime of route taxis, passengers are maximally kilkist, podbachenu technic characteristics of the transport charge, -

Fine from 170 to 255 UAH.

Porushennya in the regime of route taxis, rules dots pid hour zdіysnennya landing (vizadki) pasazhiriv -

Fine from 255 to 340 UAH.

Pereveznanya pasazhiriv on the bus route and stretch 500 km by one water, -

Fine from 170 to 255 UAH.

Stattie 122.

Перевищення швидкості руху більш як на 20 кілометрів на годину, чершенням вимог дорожніх знаків, rules of the dots, parking, проззду пішохідних переходів, nenadannya perevagi u rusі pіshohadam on пішохідних перешестх, а and takozh zasrushennya fence to ruin the sidewalks of chi pіshihіdnimi dorіzhkami,

Fine from 255 to 340 UAH.

Poroshennya rules prohzdu perehrest, zupinok transport zasobliv zagalnogo koristustvannya, probyzd on the fence signal svitlofora abo gesture regulyuvannika, poroshennya rules overtaking, korostuvannya pid hour ruhu zavosyku zvoyku, not zadnanimi add-ons, but permitting to carry out the drills without the help of hands, -

Fine from 425 to 510 UAH.

Perevyschennya shvidkosti ruhu bilsh yak for 50 kilometriv for a year, unaware of transference in russia transport zakobam, sho ruhayutsya u uvіmknenimi specialny svіtlovіmi abo sound signal additions, and so itself zarashennya rules dots, parking, shcho stanoviyut pereskodi dorozhnyu ruhu abo zarrozu bespetsi ruhu, -

Fine from 510 to 680 UAH. Abom gromadskі roboti on lines from 30 to 40 godin.

Porushennya, scho sprinkled the line of the avaric situation, -

Fine from 680 to 850 UAH. Podbavlenya rights kerуvnnia transported by picking up the lines for 6 months to 1 rock.

Stattya 122-2.

Невиконання вимог працівника міліції about the zupinku transport bike, -

Fine from 153 to 187 UAH. Podbavlenya rights kerуvnnia transported by picking up on the lines for 3 to 6 months.

Stattya 122-4.

Залишення місця дорожньо-транспортної пригони, до якої вони причетні, -

Fine from 255 to 306 UAH. Abom gromadskі roboti on lines from 30 to 40 godin, abo administristrivny arrest on lines from 10 to 15 dib.

Stattya 122-5.

Porushenny order vstanovlenya і and vikoristan on transport hunters spetsialnyh svitvlichih abo svoikovy signalnyh pristroїv -

Fine from 850 to 1020 UAH. З конфіскацією спеціальних світлових або sounded signaling пристроїв abo without takoy.

Article 123.

В'їзд водіїв on hall-crossing on the grave signal, -

Fine from 340 to 425 UAH .

Інші порушення rules проїзду залізничних переїздів, -

Fine from 255 to 340 UAH.

Porushennya, scho sprinkled the line of the avaric situation, -

Fine from 340 to 680 UAH. Podbavlenya rights kerуvnnia transported by picking up on the lines from 1 to 2 rockov, abo gromadskі roboti on lines from 40 to 60 godin.


Porushennya, scho sprinkinilo pososhkodzhennya transport zabobiv, vtantazhu, avtomobilnikh dorіg, volits, zaliznichnyh pereizdіv, road sporud chi іnshogo mina, -

Fine from 340 to 425 UAH. Podbavlenya rights kerуvnnia transported by picking up the lines for 6 months to 1 rock.

Stattya 124-1.

The lack of transport of the occupiers to the priests of the world and the medical practitioners,

Fine from 68 to 136 UAH.

Writing 126.

Keruvannya without postvydchennya vodyіa, reestrazinyh ya іnshih documents, and so itself without poliisa (contract) obovyazyakovogo insure -

Fine from 425 to 850 UAH.

Keruvannia is a special transportation way, yak does not have the right to cherish, -

Fine from 510 to 595 UAH.

Keruvannya transport sash special, prizbavlenyu rights keruvannya, -

Fine from 510 to 850 UAH.

Stattya 127.

The ruin of the rules of the road ruhu pishoshahami, -

Pozhodzhennya abo fine from 51 to 85 UAH.

The ruin of the rules of the expensive ruhu by individuals, that is, keruyut bicycles, guzovim transport, and persecutors tvarin

Fine from 85 to 136 UAH.

Ті самі порушення у стані сп'яніння, -

Fine from 136 to 170 UAH.

Porushennya, scho sprinkled the line of the avaric situation, -

Fine from 170 to 255 UAH. Abom gromadskі robot on the lines from 20 to 40 godin.

Stattya 127-1.

Unreasonably carried out the reorganization of the technical transport station, that type of document in the document about the yogo technic qualification -

A fine for a person, a passport for the type of document about technical control of a transport bump, from 1530 to 1700 UAH.

Vidacha coupon about prodolzhennya state technical inspection without a document, sho pidtverdzhuє tehnichnu spravnost transport bike, -

A fine on the landed autumn for 1530 to 1700 UAH.

Article 128.

A visa on a line of technically inadequate transport facilities, re-registrations, not registers, such, did not pass through the state technical inspection without using the obovzyazkovogo insurance of chi without a license card for transportation,

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv gospodarskoi dіyalnіі від 680 up to 850 UAH.

Repeatedly stretching out the fate of the rifle, committed before the statue, -

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv godararskoi dіyalnіі від 850 to 1360 UAH.

Stattya 128-1.

Poroshennya abo nekokonnya rules, norms and standards, sho stosuyutsya zabezpechennya bezpeki Dorozhnogo Ruhu, pid hour vygotovlennya that repair of transport zasobiv, and takozh pid hour budivnitstva, rekonstruktsii, repair and utriannya avtomobilnyh dorіg, volits, zaliznichnykh pereizdіv і prizhodnikh sporud -

Fine from 1700 to 2040 UAH.

Porushennya, scho posprichili poshkodzhennya transport zavodiv, vantagev, avtomobilnyh dorig, volits, zaliznichnyh pereizdiv, road sporud chi minoshoi mina, -

Fine from 2550 to 3060 UAH.


Admission to kerуvunnya transport vysoby water, yakі perebuvayut at stanі sp'yаnnya, abo such, but did not pass through the lines of the medical inspections -

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'ektiv gospodarskoi dіyalnіі from 425 to 850 UAH.

Admission to kerуvannya by transporting the individual, yaka does not have the right to kerуvannya transport barn, -

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv godararskoi dіyalnіі від 340 to 680 грн.

Article 130.

Keruvannia by transporting individuals in the camp of the alcoholic, narcotic chi ni spongyanno abo pid vlistiv likarskih drugov, scho znizhyuyut їh respect that shvidkіst retsіії, and so itself vіdmova individuals, yaka keruє transport vzsob, vyid prodozhenzhennya look at the camp sp'yаnnya, -

Fine from 2550 to 3400 UAH. Podbavlenya rights kerуvannya on lines from 1 to 2 rockov , abo gromadskі roboti on lines from 40 to 50 godin , abo adminіstistrivny arrest on lines from 7 to 10 діб.

Repeatedly stretching the rock to the front, -

Zabavlenya rights kerуvannya on lines from 2 to 3 rockyv in paid viluchennyam transport zakobu chi without such abominations hromadsky robots on lines from 50 to 60 godin , abo admininistrivny arrest on lines from 10 to 15 dib.

Дії, вчинені двічі stretching rock, -

Zabavlenya rights kerуvannya on the lines of 10 rocky in the payment viluchennyam transport zakobu і on інших осіб - viluchennya transport charge payment.

Vzhivannia vodiem pislya road-transport pribodi for yogo part of alcohol, narcotics, and takozh likarskih preparations, vidotovlikh on ikh basis (shortly, it is necessary to enter to the warehouse first aid kit recognized by a medical practitioner) before the medical examination, chi before prinyattya rіshennya about zvіlnennya vіd conduct of such I'll look, -

Pozhavlenya rights kerуvnnia transported by strangles on lines from 2 to 3 rockів abo adminіstrіchnyj arrish on lines from 10 to 15 діб.

Article 132-1.

Porushenny rules for transporting nebezpechnyh vantagazi, rules progzdu gigogaritnichnyh and velikavagichnyh transport zashchestv, -

Fine on water from 510 to 680 UAH., On the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'ektiv gospodarskoi diyalnosti - from 680 to 850 UAH.

Stattya 133-1.

Zdіysnennya regular relocation of passengers on the post routes without a contract without a passport without a passport, -

Fine on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv підприємницької діяльності від 340 to 425 UAH.

Porushennya rules for transporting organisations of groups of tourists -

Fine on water from 595 to 680 UAH., On the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv підприємницької діяльності - from 680 to 850 UAH.

Відхилення from the marked route to the bus stop abo of the route taxi, unavailable on the bus station (bus station), -

Fine for water from 34 to 85 UAH.

Poroshennya vstanovlenogo regimen pračі і vіdpochinku vodіїв -

Fine on water from 680 to 765 UAH. І on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub`єktіv gospodarskoi діяльності - від 1020 до 1190 грн.

Zberigannya transport zasobiv, scho vikoristovuyutsya for transporting passengers on commercial basis, posture vstanovleniyami mіsciyami їh parking, -

Fine from 680 to 850 UAH.

Perevezennnya pasazhiriv chi vantazhiv vodiem, scho not proshshov shozmіnogo perejreksovogo medichnyi oglyudu, abo without pre-raisovogo control of the technical camp of transport zasobiv -

Fine from 510 to 680 UAH.

Writing 139.

Пошкодження автомобільних доріг, вулиць, дорожніх споруд, залізничних переїздів, securing the cross-stitch for expensive road, in that number забруднення дорожнього покриття, -

A fine for gromadyan from 340 to 510 UAH . Abo gromadskі roboti on lines from 30 to 40 godin, і fine on prasadovih osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv gospodarskoї діяльності - from 510 to 680 UAH. Abom gromadskі roboti on lines from 30 to 40 godin.

Porushennya, shcho pomochinili poshkodzhennya transport zasobiv, vantazhiv chi іnshogo mina, -

A fine for gromadyan from 510 to 680 UAH . Abom gromadskі roboti on lines from 40 to 60 godin і fine on posadovyh osib, gromadyan - sub'ektiv gospodarstvo dіyalnosti - from 680 to 850 UAH . Abom gromadskі robot on the lines from 40 to 60 godin.

Article 140.

Porushennya rules, norms and standards, sho stosuyutsya zabezpechennya bezpeki expensive ruhu with utrimanni avtomobilnyh dorіg і вулиць, залізничних переїздів, інших дорожніх споруд, -

The penalty for the landed autumn is 1020 to 1360 UAH.

The ruin of the order of the weather-related period. The state automobile inspection: the installation of advertisements, the technical support of the organization of expensive roads, the holding of motor roads on motor roads, volcanoes, hallways;

A fine for gromadyan from 340 to 425 UAH. І on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'єktіv gospodarskoi діяльності - from 510 to 680 UAH.

Porushennya obladnannya on avtomobilnyh roads, vulitsyah, zaliznichnyh pereizdah misc: proadzhennya robot, zalishennia dorozhnnyh machines, budivelnyh materіalіv, konstrukciy tochno, and so itself not usunennya pislya
Закінчення робіт перешкод, -

A fine for gromadyan from 510 to 680 UAH. І on the landed osib, gromadyan - sub'ektiv gosdarskoi - діяльності від 680 to 850 грн.

Porushennya, scho sprinkled the line of the avariate situation, abacus of transport vehicles, waggons, caravans, buses, bus stations, road lanes,

A fine on the money from 680 to 850 UAH. І pokladennya fine on posadovyh osib, gromadyan - sub'ektiv gospodarskoi dіyalnіі від 850 up to 1020 UAH . Abo administristrivny arrest on lines from 5 to 10 dib.

Stattie 188-28.

Neviconannya legitimate vimog (pripisiv) posadovikh osib Derzhavtominstservii MVS Ukraini shodo usunennya narushenya rules, norms and standards, sho stosuyutsya zabezpechennya baked by expensive ruhu, -

Fine from 255 to 340 UAH.

Primitka: before pravoshnikiv Rules for road rush kostosovuyut administrivnnі sanktsії viglyadі pozhavlenya rights kerуvannya transport vysobami, адміністративний пришт, громадські роботи та платне вилучення транспорт засобу - виключно за рішенням судді.