What to do and where to hide in case of war in Kiev

В мэрии Киева рассказали, что делать и куда прятаться в случае войны

In Kiev, a fund of protective civil protection structures has been created to shelter the population from emergencies of anthropogenic, natural and military nature.

The fund includes civil protection shelters, underground metro area, cellars of apartment houses, underground parking lots and other structures of underground space that can be used to shelter the population, Ukrayinska Pravda reports.

"Organizations and owners of these facilities, if necessary, will provide free access for shelter," the Kiev administration reported.

In Kiev, a fund of protective civil protection structures has been created to shelter the population from emergencies of anthropogenic, natural and military nature.

The fund includes civil protection shelters, underground metro area, cellars of apartment houses, underground parking lots and other structures of underground space that can be used to shelter the population, the Ukrayinska Pravda reports.

"Organizations and owners of these facilities, if necessary, will provide free access for shelter," the Kiev administration reported.

According to the Civil Protection Code, shelters in shelters are subject to:

  • A) workers of the largest operating shift of economic entities, assigned to the relevant categories of civil protection and located in areas of possible significant destruction of settlements that continue their activities in a particular period;
  • B) personnel of nuclear power plants, other nuclear installations and employees of economic entities that operate such stations (facilities);
  • C) employees of the largest operating shift of business entities classified as special importance of civil protection and located outside the zones of possible significant destruction of settlements, as well as employees of the duty personnel of economic entities that ensure the life of cities classified in the relevant groups of civil protection;
  • D) patients, medical and service personnel of health facilities that are not subject to evacuation or can not be evacuated to a safe place.

To protect people in emergency situations, double-purpose structures and simple shelters (basement and basement rooms) are used.


The notification of the population about the actions in the event of emergency situations is carried out through the wire broadcasting network (through the apartment and external loudspeakers), as well as through local broadcasting stations and television, mobile cars equipped with loudspeakers.

To attract the attention of the population in extreme cases, sirens and other signaling devices are turned on before the information is transmitted.

Remember! Sirens and intermittent beeps of other signal means mean the signal of civil defense "ATTENTION TO ALL!".

When you hear this signal, immediately turn on the loudspeaker, radio or TV and listen to the emergency management message.

For each case of emergency situations, variants of messages for possible emergencies have been prepared.

After the sound signals (sirens, whistles, etc.) are delivered, voice information about the emergency situation is transmitted.

After hearing the message, every citizen should act without panic and fuss in accordance with the instructions received.

The message includes: information about an emergency situation, the place and time of occurrence of an emergency situation; Territory (areas, arrays, streets, houses, etc.), which falls into the centers (zones) of the lesion; The procedure for dealing with emergencies; other information.

MESSAGES will depend on the extreme conditions, size, duration and scale of the possible consequences of emergencies, the degree of hazard of the destruction factors for the city's population and the state of emergency rescue and emergency emergency recovery.

Every citizen who is at work must comply with all orders of the head of civil protection of the business entity, act in accordance with the civil protection plan, and also participate in emergency rescue operations as part of the formations or as directed by the PG management bodies.

If a citizen is at home in the event of an emergency, he must:

  • Keep the home constantly turned on loudspeakers, radios, televisions in order to listen to orders and directions of executive bodies, emergency departments;
  • Report information received to neighbors;
  • To alert individual means of protection of the respiratory system and skin, in their absence, to prepare the simplest means (everyday clothes, shoes, cotton bands, film, etc.);
  • Keep with him personal protective equipment, prepare a medical first-aid kit, documents, communications, personal hygiene, food and so on;
  • To conduct in the apartment (house) fire prevention measures (turn off gas, electricity, etc.), increase the protective properties of the apartment: close the windows, windows, compact them;
  • Specify the location of the nearest shelter (basement, underground, parking) where you can hide.

If the signal caught you in the transport, public place (store, theater, market, etc.), you need to listen carefully and calmly to the message, determine where the subway station is located, shelters and get to and hide in them as soon as possible. If there is time - as soon as possible to get home and act in accordance with the instructions received.