Maidenhair / Adiantum

It belongs to the family of ferns.

General Description: A very beautiful plant. The leaves are light green, yellow-green or light red, fishnet. Very thin and stiff shanks.

Capricious and difficult to successfully breeding in the indoor environment.

Recommendations for the care of a plant Maidenhair:

Illumination: Do not tolerate direct sunlight, it is best to put next to the window, but not on the window sill. The shading fades.

Irrigation mode: Watering maidenhair soft, defended water at room temperature. The roots must not dry out in any way, but the overflow is fatal, and the ingress of water on the leaves not desirable, so the recommended watering tool - lowering the pot in a container with water. In general, ideal to place the pot on a large tray with gravel or expanded clay and pour the water in a pot and pan.

Atmospheric humidity: Demanding to humidity, especially if the temperature is above 25 ° C. Unable to possess close to radiators. It is necessary to spray water near the plant and hold it on the wet sump.

Temperature: Optimum summer 20 ° C, in winter 15 ° C. Does not tolerate drafts and hypothermia.

Soil: Good drainage is required. Slightly acid soil. Recommended soil mishmash 2 elements of the peat land, a proportion of leaf 1 1/2 elements of humus, 1 share of sand. Feeding during the growing season once a moon. Apply fertilizers without lime in half of the cases of conventional batch. Gordo does not overfeed the plant.

Breeding: Elect means for maidenhair - crushing bushes.

Transplanting: It is necessary to replant every year, as if the pot is forced to respond to the earthen coma, extremely large pots not desirable.

Pests: Do not carry organic means of protection against pests. Therefore, the appearance of spider mites or aphids very carefully maidenhair clean with a soft brush and wash under a weak warm shower. If you still can not manage to do without pesticides, use them cautiously and carefully wash the leaves with warm water. Do not forget to keep the humidity in the place.

Maidenhair - Adiantum

Maidenhair - Adiantum