Ciccium (croton) / codiaeum

Refers to the family of euphorbia. Fatherland - Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands.

General description: Croton is a decorative and deciduous plant. Stems branched, erect, up to 70 cm in height. Leaves are bright, leathery. The forms are very diverse: laurel, ribbon-like, in the form of a tip of an arrow, twisting, lobed, etc. The color of the leaves is also different, in addition, they change it depending on the age. Young leaves have more yellow color, in mature scarlet. Usually vivid, veins of the leaf are colored, but they can be just a speck or blotches. Flowers are not so spectacular, snow-white, not large.

Crones are capricious, they need to provide stable and error-free care.

Recommendations for the care of the plant Codyum (Croton):

Illumination : Photophilous, shading is needed only in the summer noon, in the spring should be carefully accustomed to direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns.

Irrigation regime : Abundant during growth, moderate in winter. He does not adore in any way the overflow, nor the drying out of the earth.

Humidity : Needs frequent spraying (2 times a day).

Remove from central heating.

Air humidity is similarly supported by placing pots on a pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, which is continuously moistened.

Temperature regime : Croton adores the constant temperature of 16-18 ° C.

Soil: Proper benign drainage is required. You can add small gravel or expanded clay.

Recommended soil mishmash: 1 share of sod land, 1 share of peat land, 1 share of leaf land and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs regular fertilizing once every 2 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental-deciduous houseplants.

Breeding : In the spring in the soil heating and using phytohormones, rooting cuttings.

Transplantation : Transplanted in the spring, at what time the pot is made tight (the roots begin to germinate through the drainage holes) once every few years.

Pests : Most often affects the scutes (leaves and stems appear brown plaques, leaving sticky discharge), a spider mite (in a dry atmosphere, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs).

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Codyon (Croton) - Codiaeum

Codaium (croton) - codiaeum