"Money Tree" heals, poisons, cleanses, brings good luck - it's incredible!

Денежное Дерево лечит, отравляет, очищает, приносит удачу

Tolstyanka (Latin Crassula) - a kind of succulent plant family Tolstyankovye. Includes from 300 to 350 species, of which more than two hundred grow in South Africa; A significant number of species are distributed in Tropical Africa and Madagascar, several species are found in southern Arabia. Plants of this genus are very widespread, but mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. Many species are used in indoor floriculture; Houseplants of this genus with round leaves, like coins, are sometimes called a "money tree".

The money tree is a magic tree in Chinese mythology. Some types of plants with coin-like rounded leaves or seeds. In China, pachira aquatica was considered a money tree, in western countries a money tree is usually called an oval-shaped oyster (Crassula ovata) and some other kinds of fatty. Tolstoyanka has many types and types. This plant is most common as a room and it is called a "money tree". Sometimes this plant is also referred to as rosula or pancake.

ATTENTION! In tolstyanke is contained in a high concentration of arsenic , therefore it is not recommended to abuse the internal intake of medicinal preparations based on this plant. In case of an overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, and disturbances of consciousness are observed .

Be sure to consult with your doctor before unauthorized reception of any medications!

Денежное Дерево лечит, отравляет, очищает, приносит удачу

Next is a list of diseases that you can try to cure with the help of the shark. We remind you! Be sure to consult with the treating specialist before taking any medications or herbal remedies.

Herpes on the lips

From several leaves squeeze the juice. Lubricate the affected area every 30 minutes. You can do otherwise - soak the juice, put it on the affected area and fix it with a patch.

Angina, tonsillitis

From 10 leaves squeeze the juice, mix with 200 ml of water. Gargle 3-5 times a day.

Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer

In the morning for 1 hour before eating take 2 sheets of fatty, thoroughly chewing.

Pyelonephritis, cystitis

5 leaves of fatty chop, pour 200 ml of hot water, insist 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon in 15 minutes. Before meals 3 times a day.

Arthritis, arthrosis

Squeeze from 10-15 leaves juice, lubricate the affected joints before bed.


Apply a cut sheet, it helps at once.

Burns, bruises, sprains, wounds, cuts, abscesses

Apply the gruel from the leaves to the damaged area, secure with a bandage. Change the bandage as it dries (2-3 hours).

According to some reports, the fat girl cleans the air of harmful microbes and bacteria, and according to some beliefs, will attract wealth and luck to the house!

Via zdorova.me & wiki