How to plant and grow pineapple at home
Pineapple (Ananas, Latin) is a genus of herbaceous tropical plants of the Bromeliaceae family.
Pineapple is a herbaceous perennial plant with a strongly shortened stalk and a dense rosette of leaves. Leaves rigid linear xiphoid long 50-120 cm and width 3-6 cm, at the edges dentate, prickly. Adult plants can grow up to 1 meter in height and up to 2 meters in diameter. From the root rosette of the leaves a fleshy stem grows, on top of which a flower spike is formed up to 30-60 cm in length.
In the tropical regions of America: Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia, there are eight kinds of pineapple; Widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. The leading areas for the production of pineapple are the Hawaiian and Azores, as well as the Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Ghana, Guinea. The plantations in India expanded considerably. In Russia, pineapples can be grown in greenhouses. In the greenhouse collections of 4-6 species, 2-3 species are used in indoor culture.
Currently, it is cultivated - at home as a purely ornamental plant, and if a small fruit appears on it - this is an additional reward to the owner.
Choose a fresh pineapple with juicy, green leaves, dense skin of golden brown color, without damage and rottenness.

Cut off the tip. Pinch the bottom leaves. Remove the pulp without damaging the peel.

Turn the tip over and let it dry. The main cut and the sections of the leaves must become rigid. It will take about a week.

Place the tip in a glass of water. Wait, it should take root. Change the water every two days, do not let it go cloudy.

Plant the top in a light soil for domestic plants. Choose a pot that is 15 cm high. Make sure that the soil does not fall on the leaves. Tamp the soil around the seedling.

Keep the seedling in a warm, well-lit place. Soil keep moist, but not wet.

Water the seedling once a week.

Fertilize the seedling once a month.

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