Oleander / nerium

Refers to the family kutrovyh. Fatherland -Africa, Asia, Japan, Southern Europe.

General description: The only species grown in room conditions is Nerium oleander (Oleander ordinary) . A tall, branching evergreen shrub, an impressive place is required for it. Oleander is a poisonous plant. Leaves are leathery, narrow and long, as if in willow. The paint of the leaf is dark green, with a light median streak. Fragrant flowers up to 5 cm in diameter have a variety of colors: red, snow-white, yellow, pink, lilac. They can be terry. Blossoms in the summer. In autumn it is necessary to prune.

Oleander is more suitable for a greenhouse, it is difficult to provide comfortable conditions in a room environment.

Recommendations for the care of the plant Oleander:

Illumination : photophilous, shading is not required.

Irrigation regime : Abundant during the growth period, unusual in winter, especially if the plant is kept in a cool. To water with warm soft water.

Humidity : Needs regular spraying.

Remove from central heating.

For the summer it is better to place on a fresh atmosphere (in a park or on a balcony), closer to the water.

Temperature regime : In summer, the temperature should be moderate, in the winter cool, 8-12 ° C, not lower than 7 ° C

Soil : Drainage is mandatory. You can add charcoal and brick chips.

Recommended soil mishmash: 4 elements of heavy turf, 2 elements of leafy earth, 2 elements of overripe manure or greenhouse and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs fertilizing once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers ("Giant", "Rainbow" "Ideal", etc.)

Once a season, but no more often, it is allowed to apply organic (Mullein solution).

Breeding : By layers, seeds, stem cuttings in spring and summer.

Transplantation : In the spring, young plants annually, mature once in a couple of years. When transplanting large specimens, perform partial trimming of the roots.

Pests : It is affected by scarlet spider mites (in a dry atmosphere, leaves and stems are braided with cobwebs), scabbards (brown plaques appear on leaves and stems, leaving sticky excretions), mealybugs (covered with snow-white cotton wool).

The plant is allowed to help finish with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with an actinic (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Oleander - Nerium

Oleander - nerium