pachypodium / pachypodium

It belongs to the family of Kurtovo. Motherland - Africa about. Madagascar.

General description: pachypodium - tree-like plant. Stem full, retaining moisture, covered with spines. The leaves are long and narrow, the winter fall. The milky juice of the leaves contained rubber. Pachypodium - quite undemanding plant.

Usually indoors bred three species pachypodium:

Pachypodium succulentum (pachypodium succulent) He has branched stems, young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are similar to pubescent, lanceolate. The spines are arranged in pairs at the base of the leaves. Flowers small, pink.

Pachypodium lameri (pachypodium Lame). This large species, it is allowed to grow as a single plant. The stem is cylindrical in shape, long leaves, slightly pubescent, spines at the base of the leaves are arranged in three pieces.

Pachypodium brevicaule (pachypodium short stature) has a very unusual appearance. His first stem tuber has a shape, moving away from him short shoots silver. Leaves a little, they are pubescent, oblong or ovate. At what time pachypodium resets them to the period of inactivity, a plant similar to the stones. The flowers are large, light yellow.

Recommendations for the care of a plant pachypodium:

Lighting: light-requiring, prefers the southern windows.

Irrigation mode: Moderate in the growing season, soil prkticheski should always be damp, winter is quite bizarre. Overflow can be fatal.

Pachypodium shortness rarely watered throughout the year.

Humidity desirable periodic spraying, but pachypodium not demanding to atmospheric humidity.

In the summer a better place to fresh atmosphere (in the park or on the balcony). if the expected lowering the temperature at night, enter the building.

Temperature: It loves heat, winter and summer. Summer optimally 25-27 ° C in winter, will not lower than 15 ° C. Not loves hypothermia root and sudden changes in temperature.

Soil: Requires good drainage. You can add a petty gravel or expanded clay. The soil is slightly acidic. When appears on the white surface of the soil top layer of lime should be replaced.

Recommended soil mishmash: 1 proportion of leaf, 1 share of peat lands, 1 share and 1 share of humus sand.

In the period of growth needs in fertilizing watering 1 time a moon fertilizer for cacti and succulents.

Cultivation: Seeds, seed is very difficult to obtain at home.

Transplantation: spring, young plants per year, once a mature couple three years.

Pests: amazed scarlet spider mites (in dry atmosphere, leaves and stems braided webs), thrips (the leaves appear grayish dots).

For the prevention of need spraying.

With a slight infection of the plant allowed to help finish a soap solution and washing the warm.

In severe cases recommended insecticide spraying solution (aktellik, decis, fitoverm et al.).

Pachypodium Lame - Pachypodium lameri

pachypodium - pachypodium