Pandanus / pandanus

Refers to the family of pandanus.

General description: Pandaus is a sprawling plant, up to 1.3 m in height, it will take a lot of room. He tells dracaenes and bromeliads. Long, arcuate-curved leaves with a serrate acute margin are spirally located along the trunk. Pandaus forms thick air roots supporting the trunk. Child sockets are usually cut for greater splendor of the main trunk. The most common variegated varieties of ramp Randanus veitchii (Pandanus Veicha) with snow-white longitudinal stripes and Randanus sanderi (Pandanus Sandera) with yellow stripes.

Recommendations for plant care Pandaus:

Illumination : Pandaus prefers bright, but diffuse light.

Irrigation mode : Moderate, by the measure of drying of the soil. In the winter, outlandish.

Humidity of air : Periodic spraying is desirable, but Pandaus is not exacting to the humidity of the atmosphere.

Temperature regime : Moderate, optimally 20 ° C, in winter not lower than 16 ° C.

Soil : Proper benign drainage is required. It is allowed to add fine gravel or expanded clay.

Recommended soil mix: 1 share of sod land, 1 share of peat, 1 share of leaf, 1 share of humus and 1 share of sand.

During the growth period, it needs regular fertilizing once every 2 weeks with liquid complex fertilizers.

Breeding : With the use of phytohormones and soil heating, the daughter rosettes are rooted at least 10 cm long.

Transplantation : In the spring, young plants annually, mature once a couple of years.

Pests : It is infrequent.

Pandanus - Pandanus

Pandanus - pandanus