Amazing gifki, showing how our body works

Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

The human body is a complex biological machine, where each part of the system works in tandem, beginning with the cells and ending with the organs to support your life.

When there is a failure in the body system, there is a disease and pain. The study of the human body is devoted to whole scientific treatises.

For you, we have collected several hyphae that will visually show how your body works, including the function of red blood cells and the immune system.

Cells of the human body

Leukocytes attacking the parasite

Лейкоциты, атакующие паразита Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

A video of the frame-by-frame shooting of the medullary eosinophil and the sleeping larva of C. elegans in 80 minutes. The pictures were taken every 30 seconds and shown with a frame rate of 15 / s.

The cycle of the human red blood cell in the circulatory system

Цикл красной кровяной клетки человека в системе кровообращения Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

Animation occurs in real time (a 20-second cycle) and shows how the red blood cell erythrocyte when it passes through the capillaries deforms, and how it changes color during oxygenation, passing through the circulatory system.

The structure of the human body

How does a person's face develop in the womb

Как развивается лицо человека в утробе матери Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

The face begins to form from the tubercles, called visceral arches. They are formed from the outer side inward, from the sides to the middle. In the process of transformation, which lasts 4.5 months of pregnancy, the child's face will gradually acquire nostrils, eyes, eyelids, lips and so on.

Cross section of the human body from head to toe

Поперечное сечение тела человека с головы до ног Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

Cross section of the human body from head to foot in the opposite direction

Поперечное сечение тела человека с головы до ног в обратном направлении Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

When creating this video, no one was hurt. The video was created using computed tomography. In total, 1878 pictures were taken and the internal structure of the human body is quickly shown.

The organs of the human body

How the internal organs of the mother are displaced during pregnancy

Как смещаются внутренние органы матери во время беременности Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

Many pregnancy symptoms are due to hormonal changes. However, many of them also arise from the fact that the child begins to occupy more and more space inside the mother's body. Gifka shows how a growing baby squeezes the lungs, the bladder and the intestines.

The x-ray of the hand, clenching into a fist

Рентген руки, сжимающейся в кулак Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

Beating heart

Бьющееся сердце Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело

Our heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day, pumping 7,500 liters of blood through the body. Although the heart is no bigger than a fist, it does the main job, forcing the blood to pass through 100,000 km of blood vessels that feed our organs and tissues.

Evolution of a human from a bacterium

Эволюция человека из бактерии Удивительные гифки, показывающие, как работает наше тело