
Genre (French genre, Latin genus - genus, species) is a group of films produced on the basis of similar features of their construction. The genre cinema system is not complete, it does not have strict boundaries. Below are the main, most important genres of modern cinema. The definition of a work for a particular genre is conditional and ambiguous. This is confirmed by the examples of films of different genres given by me, some of which have been used more than once.

The 19th century gave mankind an amazing and wonderful cinema that radically changed and continues to change a person, his consciousness and perception. It was the silent cinema that became the worthy beginning of the movie industry. The genres of cinema are diverse, however each of them is able to find its grateful spectator. For every taste, the film industry has created real masterpieces, which can not be denied.

The most popular genres of films include: Biography, Action, Gothic, Western, Children's cinema, Detective, Documentary, Drama, Historical film, War movie, Comedy, Crime, Melodrama, Mysticism, Soap opera, Adventure genre, Cartoons, Russian Cinema, Sports films, Thriller, Tragicomedy, Postapokaliptika, Fantasmagoria, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Erotic cinema.

Biography - a genre, characterized by a greater focus on the individual and her inner world.

Action (English action movie, literary action film) - a genre of cinema, which focuses on fights, battles, chases, etc. .. Most of the fighters illustrate the well-known thesis "good should be with your fists." Action movies often have a high budget, abound with stunt tricks and special effects. Movies of this genre often do not have a complex plot. The protagonist usually encounters evil in its most obvious manifestation: corruption, terrorism, murder. Finding no alternative, the protagonist decides to resort to violence. As a result, dozens, and sometimes hundreds of villains are subjected to destruction. A happy ending is an indispensable attribute of an action movie, evil must be punished.
I recommend: Russian - "First After God", "Fight With the Shadow", "Antikiller", "Brother", "Sisters". Foreign - Fight Club, Matrix, Hard Nut, Bourne's Trilogy, Terminator, Robocop, Without Face, Sin City, Mission Impossible, Resident Evil.


The Gothic novel is a romantic "black novel" in prose with elements of supernatural "horrors", mysterious adventures, fantasy and mysticism (family curses and ghosts). Developed mainly in the English-language literature. The name - from the architectural style of Gothic (the action of novels often unfolds in old Gothic castles).

Western is the genre of literature and cinema that has arisen and is developing in the USA since the end of the 19th century. The action of westerns occurs, as the name suggests, in the Wild West (English west - west) at the end of the XIX century. Plots of Westerns can be very different, but they all have one thing in common - the so-called "quick shot". All, perhaps, at the mention of this word can remember such a picture: dusty street, heat, sweat dripping from the forehead ... two people come out into the street with sparkling pistols on their hips ... Good fighting with evil.
I recommend: Russian - "Man From the Capuchin Boulevard". Foreign - "Gold McKenna", "Once Upon a Wild West", "Red Sun", "Fast And Dead", "Dancing With Wolves".


Children's cinema - this movie was created for children, the main characters of such films are also children or heroes of different fairy tales, which create a completely bright and clean atmosphere. Often in such films resorted to the performance of dances or songs.

Detective (English detective, from the Latin detego - I disclose, expose) is primarily a literary and cinematic genre, whose works consistently illustrate the criminal acts, the following investigation and identification of the perpetrators. The conflict is built on the clash of justice with lawlessness, culminating in the victory of justice.
I recommend: "Silence of the Lambs", "From Hell", "9 Gates", "Saw", "Fight Club", "Bodyguard", "Vanilla Sky", "Mind Games", "23".


Documentaries (or non-fiction movies) - a genre of cinema. Documentary is a film based on the shooting of authentic events and individuals. Reconstructions of genuine events do not belong to documentary films. The first documentary shootings were made even at the origin of cinematography. The theme for documentary films is most often interesting events, cultural phenomena, scientific facts and hypotheses, as well as famous personalities and communities. Masters of this kind of filmmaking often rose to serious philosophical generalizations in their works. At present documentary cinema has firmly entered the cinema of the whole world.

Drama is a literary and cinematic genre. Specificity of the genre is the plot, conflict of action, an abundance of dialogues and monologues. Dramas depict mostly the private life of a person and his acute conflict with society. In this case, the emphasis is often made on the universal contradictions embodied in the behavior and actions of specific characters. Tragedy is a subgenre of drama. It is also based on the clash of the individual with the world, society, fate, the struggle of strong characters and passions. But, unlike the drama, the tragedy usually ends with the death of the protagonist.
I recommend: Russian - "Scarecrow", "Interdevochka", "The Barber of Siberia", "Driver for Faith", "72 Meter", "Morphine". Foreign - "Diary of Memory", "Green Mile", "Mind Games", "City of Angels", "Ghost", "Sid And Nancy", "Babylon", "PS I Love You", "Eternal Sunshine of Clear Mind," "Autumn In New York", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Split", "Memoirs of Geisha", "Gone with the Wind".

A historical film - films of this genre of motion picture art reconstruct real historical events. Historical films are usually high-budget, with beautiful costumes and scenery, often with impressive extras.
I recommend: Russian - "9 Rota", "Star", "Turkish Gambit", "Admiral", "Taras Bulba". Foreign - "Troy", "Gladiator", "Another One of the Rod Boleyn", "Jeanne De Arc", "Saving Private Ryan", "13th Warrior", "300 Spartans", "Turkish Gambit."

Исторический фильмИсторический фильмИсторический фильм

A war film is a historical film, which talks about the events of the past battle, the war, military preparations and recalls the fear of war.

Comedy - the genre of the film aimed at creating ridiculous and silly situations, thus prompting the audience to laugh. This genre was created together with the main cinematographers, even in the period of black and white cinema.
I recommend: Russian - "Girls", "Operation" Y "And Other Adventures of Shurik", "Caucasian Captive", "Office Romance", "Irony of Fate", "Most Charming and Attractive", "Radio Day", "Election Day" . Foreign - "Always Say YES", "Wasabi", "Pretty Woman", "Blonde In The Law", "Bruce Almighty", "Duplex", "Mask", "Chas Pick", "Tutsi", "Daddies".


Crime - films in this genre have a strong meaning, most often in such films shows the internecine war of criminal groups, the suffering of the population from their activities and the suffering of people. The plot provides for a large number of rules that are built in order to protect the groupings and the protagonist from the influence of the surrounding world.

Melodrama is a genre of fiction, theatrical art and cinema, whose works reveal the spiritual and sensual world of heroes in particularly bright emotional situations on the basis of contrasts: good and evil, love and hate, etc.
I recommend: Russian - "Moscow Tears Do not Believe", "Guys", "Carnival", "Princess On Beans", "American Daughter". Foreign - "Hurry to Love", "If Only", "House At Lake", "Legends of Autumn", "Paris", "Woman's Smell", "Groundhog Day", "Bodyguard", "Dirty Dancing".


Mysticism is a genre of cinema, in which there are images of supernatural phenomena and spiritual practices aimed at communication with the other world and supernatural forces.

Soap opera is one of the genres of television series. It is characterized by a huge number of series and is often broadcast over the years.

Adventure genre - is a film in which a very twisted plot, which makes the main character try to find a way out of various situations, showing his sharpness. According to the plot of the adventure film, the hero to solve the puzzle will need to move from country to country, from city to city.
I recommend: "Star Wars", "The Lord of the Rings", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Fifth Element", "Beach", "Charlie's Angels", "People In Black", "Spider-Man".

Приключенческий жанрПриключенческий жанрПриключенческий жанр

Cartoons are children's illustrated films. They create unprecedented worlds and heroes. In a fairy tale, of course, the happy end happens, with good and evil heroes and a teaching plot.

Russian cinema - this movie is created by Russian actors and directors. Russian films describe our history and culture, the present and the past, especially our people and nations, their teachings and customs. To date, Russian cinema is very developed and produces paintings that are not inferior to Hollywood.

Sports cinema - in this film there are elements of sport, the story tells the life and rivalry of athletes, all the details of personal life and preparations, disappointments and achievements of the goal. And also historical pictures about legendary sportsmen of the last century are removed.

Thriller (from English thrill - awe) - this is the name for films that seek to create a feeling of intense emotion, excitement. The genre has no clear boundaries. Often, thrillers include detective-adventure films, the emphasis in which is shifted to preparing for some kind of unique crime. Thrillers are also often referred to as horror films. The acclaimed master of thrillers is the director Alfred Hitchcock.
I recommend: "What Hides Lie," "Perfume," "Beach," "Saw," "From Hell," "Without Face," Bourne's Trilogy, "Kill Bill," "Desperate," "Wolf," "Resident Evil" .


Tragicomedy is a kind of drama combining tragedy and comedy features.

Post - apocalyptic is a genre of science fiction, in which action develops in a world that has experienced a global catastrophe. Post-apocalyptic is also called creative style, which carries the mood of desolation, loneliness and horror in the images of aged and abandoned equipment or buildings. The plot can be built around the adventures of heroes in the world, in particular, a fairly common motif - the hero's journey in search of a "Holy Grail" - a place or object that will provide him with a long and comfortable life, will enable him to save his own community on the verge of destruction, or Can help in the revival of the whole civilization. Sometimes the means and technologies that led to the catastrophe are considered to be forbidden in society, and the calmness of such a pastoral society is undermined by young rebels who intend to revive the forbidden technology (already in the story of Stephen Vincent Bene "On the Rivers of Babylon" there is a hint of such development, the classic examples - "Long Tomorrow "by Lee Brackett and John Wyndham's" Deviation from the norm "). Often in one work the apocalyptic is combined with post-apocalyptic, the depiction of the catastrophe as such - with a picture of its immediate consequences and its impact on the life of the survivors. Sometimes in the narrative a section of modern reality is viewed through the prism of perception of distant generations. In the literature, this genre closely adjoins and sometimes mixes with cyberpunk. The post-apocalyptic can also be called the images of abandoned territories, halted enterprises, ghost towns, built and active in the past, but for various reasons abandoned by the population - with dilapidated buildings overgrown with grass, with rusty skeletons lying around here and there And mechanisms. To this branch of post-apocalyptic belong also the image of "uninhabited spaces" Krapivin, and "picnic on the roadside" of the Strugatsky brothers.

Phantasmagoria - a fantastic view, an obsession. Fantasmagoria in the cinema is a subgenre of fiction. Phantasmagoria in the cinema is a film about something completely unreal, depicting bizarre visions, delusional fantasies. This genre somewhat echoes abstractionism in painting.

Fentazy - very similar to the tale, which involves historical and mythical sources. As, for example, Twilight. Saga. Dawn Part 2. This genre is very similar to science fiction, but it has one clear difference. Fentazy also has a separate world, but it exists in parallel with the real world.

Horror - (horror film, horror film, horror movie) is very clear in its manifestation of the genre of the film, this film was created to evoke fear or anxiety in its watcher. While watching such a movie, the viewer is in suspense and expects that at any moment something can happen. A horror film is a genre of a feature film. To films of horrors carry films which are intended to frighten the spectator, instill a feeling of anxiety and fear, create a tense atmosphere of horror or agonizing expectation of something terrible - so-called. "Suspense" effect (from English suspense - uncertainty).
I recommend: " Nightmare On Elm Street", "Call", "Scream", "Shelter", "Phantom of the House on the Hill", "Red Rose", "Amityville Horror", "House of Wax Figures", "Silent Hill", " 6 Demons Emily Rose "," The Clown ".

Fantastic (from the Greek phantastike - the art of imagining) - a kind of fiction; Its initial ideological and aesthetic attitude is the dictates of the imagination over reality, which generates a picture of a "wonderful world", opposed to everyday reality and habitual, everyday notions of likelihood.
I recommend: fantasy - "Fountain", "Cube", "Fifth Element", "Planet of the Apes", "Wolf", "Frankenstein". Mysticism - "9 Gates", "Butterfly Effect", "Destination Point", "What Hides Lie", "Interview With the Vampire", "Crow", "Omen".
Fantasy - "The Chronicles of Narnia", "Endless Story", "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Blade", "Another World", "Van Helsing", "Twilight".


Erotic cinema - this film is allowed to watch only adults, children under 18 years of age are strictly prohibited from viewing it. The main essence of such a film is the stimulation of fantasy and sexual desire in the viewer. In such films you can see the beauty of naked bodies. Eroticism is the art of transmitting sexual emotions. Most often, erotica is expressed through the arts, literature and songs. The behavior of the characters depicted in the erotic work can be related both to a sincere, almost divine feeling of love, and to ordinary sexual lust. Unlike pornography, eroticism does not accentuate the graphic details of the genitals and sexual intercourse. In erotica, often there is an element of understatement, unfinished plot - the end of the depicted love foreplay, its details are given to the imagination of the viewer, reader or listener. Nevertheless, eroticism sometimes excites the imagination more than pornography (see hypocrisy). Like pornography, eroticism is often censored.