story cards

Maps were invented about XI-XIII centuries in various parts of the world.

History is silent, where they first appeared. Although there is a legend that the cards first appeared in ancient Egypt. For example, one of the legends says that when the enemy approached the border of the kingdom of the pharaohs, the pharaohs gathered a council wise to decide how to protect them from the enemy all my knowledge that has been accumulated over the centuries. Under the implied knowledge of the system of relationships between God, man and the universe. Thus the knowledge transformed into figures that were displayed on the maps. In this deck of cards 78 sheets, which are called lassos. This deck called Tarot cards . With this deck were guessing on the four elements of the universe: fire, water, air, earth.
Another version suggests that the cards were still first invented in China. Ching Tse Tung, the famous Chinese sage, wrote in his books that the cards were invented in 1120, and in 1132 were already in widespread use. But the Chinese archaeologists believe that the cards came well before 1120, and were not made of paper, and ivory or planks of wood on which figures were depicted.
In Europe and in the Muslim East cards appeared, according to historians, in the XIII century and were brought by nomadic tribes. The authorities of many countries initially treated with indifference maps, but after a while of cards began to pursue, since it was assumed that the card is the evil spirit.
Summing up, the result of all the above, that the above, it can be assumed that the cards have appeared in different countries and on different continents around the same time. Maps of any state or continent, carried its own special culture and reflect the spiritual and the material being in the drawings, located on the maps.
Over the years and centuries deck of tarot cards was transformed from 78 sheets to 52 sheets, and eventually to 36 and 32 sheets. Maps were mostly used for divination. Why Tarot deck of cards transformed into a sheet of 52, because 52 card - is the number of weeks of the year, 4 suits - it's 4 seasons, 13 cards in a suit - it's 13 weeks of any season. Each suit consists of points from 1 to 10, and if instead of images Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces take appropriate numbers of Diamonds - 11, Queen - 12 King - 13, ace - 0 points, and add up all the points, we get a figure 91 which corresponds to the number of days in a year quarter. Thus, the sum of all four suits points equals 364, ie the number of days in a year without a single day. Sometimes the deck is added another card - a joker, which is used in a variety of assignments.
Somewhere in the XIV century, jacks, queens and kings were pictured in the form of legendary heroes. For example, Julius Caesar - the king of diamonds, Alexander the Great - King of Clubs.
In the XVII century, shirt card began to make small dotted pattern, it was a protection against cheaters, tricksters are not applied to their marks on the back of the card.
At the beginning of the XVIII century in Italy began to make dual-head card, there are cards in which one half reflects the other half.
At the beginning of the XIX century cards have become such as we see them today.
In Russia cards appeared in the early XVII century. There is speculation that card games were brought Poles, Ukrainian Cossacks and Germans. This assumption is based on the governmental prohibitions card game. The first of these appeared in the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, in the middle of the XVII century and got a huge spread, we had to create a decision about their Prohibition. Especially enjoyed the popularity of the game among the soldiers, to a greater extent in the German Quarter. Soldiers played secretly, at night.
In the reign of Peter the Great, the old strict laws about the card game lost its strength and finally forgotten, resulting in card games lovers no longer hide from anyone. Maps included in the total consumption and no suspicion of the legislator is not excited and remained inexpensive fun for leisure centers. Even among the soldiers of the game is not forbidden, it was forbidden to play on military uniforms, weapons and money. During the time of Peter it was issued only one decree in 1710 "Instructions and military articles of the Russian fleet", where it was forbidden to have a card on the ship.
Under Peter II card game included in the repertoire of ordinary amusements in the imperial palace, and it becomes so necessary that without it can not do any one court ball and no one at the court meeting. No decrees prohibiting this game was not published and played absolutely all and sundry.

How old rules of card games have been developed?

Theoretically, we can assume that primarily appeared Matching Game type: Canasta , Rams . In such games, it was necessary as soon as possible to connect the pictures card colors. Next appeared solitaire, which were kind of card games and took its start from a simple divination. The ruling circles have played most frequently in card games for money, on their status, and ordinary people were playing simple games to pass the time.

What are the different kinds of cards?

In Korea, playing cards, which shows 8 figures: a man, a horse, antelope, rabbit, pheasant, crow, fish, star. On each of the figures is necessary on 10 different maps, that is, the deck consists of 80 cards.
In China, the playing cards on which 16 figures and are painted in 4 colors (red, white, yellow, green): General, 2 councilor, elephants, horses, chariots, weapons, 5 soldiers. The number of cards in the deck 128. Chinese cards are long and narrow.
In India, square cards, and sometimes round. Once upon a time the cards were from 12 colors, and each color consists of 12 cards, and the number of cards in the deck was 144. Now cards of 4 colors, with the number of cards in color 13 and a deck is 52 cards.


Currently, there are about two hundred most popular card games in the world, although their total number of about 500, the most popular game is of course poker . Also, there are about 1000. Solitaire Solitaire 300 was transferred to us from generation to generation, and all others have come up with the authors of computer programs for the unfolding of solitaire. Card guessing the same we have been transferred from generation to generation, a few are changing interpretation of one or another card. Shulerskih techniques are modified with the development of technical progress and ingenuity of the human mind. Sometimes it is enough to have a reliable assistant and invisible hidden camera in the form of pins or special items shulerskih games and then the whole game for you. Card tricks practically remained the same as we were transferred to previous generations. After all, on the development of card tricks only affect manual dexterity and the ability (gift) to be a magician.