Guessing the groom (Four King)

Very often it happens that the girl is surrounded by many fans and does not know for yourself who to choose. To resolve this issue use this divination. For divination using a deck of 36 cards. The pre-selected from a deck of kings. Next, you need to identify what kind of king is a person from the environment of someone guessing. Let the lady of diamonds wonders on her beloved King of Hearts (Sergei), it has a fan of the King of Diamonds (Andrew), her place of work caring young man - a king of clubs (Alexander), etc. King of spades can be a stranger.
Guessing follows. Deck shuffled thoroughly, then remove and spread on 4 stack under each king.

Guessing on the groom

According to one open cards, which were under the first king. From these cards need to increase in order to select the card: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Most likely your number will be interrupted in any place. If the series is interrupted in the middle of the map and that is not 6, then your love affair with this man, and will not start. The sequence of cards that are prepared, should be put under the first king, and the cards that are left must be put aside. Then do the same with other kings. When you've done all four stacks of cards, and with four kings, then collect the cards pending aside in one pile, carefully shuffle and then repeat the unfolding maps. If you are already under some king is the entire sequence of cards, a stack of the king is not put, and the deck is divided into 3 parts. Thus cards that are set aside shuffle 4 times and 3 times report to the sequence of cards that de lacking. If the series is laid out to the end, it means that the person who is meant by this king likes of someone guessing. If the row has nine, queen, king and ace suits the pair of lovers, it means that their relationship will end happy marriage. Map on which the number of the series terminates, suggests the cause of the failure in their relationships. If the series is not started, then that person should be excluded from his life, the relationship with him only bode ill.