Pyramid (Pyramid)

This is an elementary guessing for the fulfillment of desire. There are two ways of this fortune telling, which are based on the original system. The second way is Pyramidka

The first way. In this fortune-telling, the answer to the question posed is determined by the place of the card in question, on which it will appear when the deck is unfolded. Take a deck of 32 cards. Select any 6 cards from the deck in any way, lay them openly on the table.


Then determine the area of ​​fortune telling, having conceived thus, any of the remaining 26 cards. Next, place the deck cards on the table in the open form in the form of a pyramid, where there are two cards in the first row, three cards in the second row, four cards in the third row, five cards in the fourth row, and six cards in the fifth row.


After that, look, where is the conceived map. Depending on where it lies, this will be the answer.

The 1st row will not come true;
The second row is unlikely;
3rd row is quite possible;
4th row is very likely;
The 5th row will come true;

If the card still remains in the deck, then put the remaining cards one by one with the words as in the picture below.

Be strong.
Get angry.
Wave your hand.

The answer to the question will be the word on which the intended card will fall.

The second way (Pyramid). For divination we use a deck of 32 cards. We carefully shuffle the deck and select 5 cards. These cards are opened and we suggest that someone make a wish for any card from the deck, which is not among the 5 cards.


Then put the cards one at a time in the form of a pyramid: 1 row - 1 card, 2 rows - 2 cards, 3 row - 3 cards, 4 rows - 4 cards, 5 row - 5 cards, 6 row - 6 cards.


If the card that was conceived was in the pyramid, then the likelihood of fulfilling the desire increases from the first row to the sixth. For example:

The 1st row will not come true;
The second row is unlikely;
The third row is very doubtful;
The 4th row is quite possible;
The 5th row is very likely;
The 6th row is almost certainly.

If there is no card in the pyramid, then the remaining 6 cards are laid out with words like in the picture below.

Be strong.
Get angry.
Wave your hand.

The word on which the planned card will fall and will be the answer to the question posed.