Fool Shchelkovsky

Number of decks: 2 or 4 Number of cards in pack: 52 + 2 jokers
Number of Players: 2 - 10
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: to get rid of all their cards.
Rules of the game. The name game is acquired by the fact that residents play it Schelkovo district, Moscow region. It is recommended to play the two decks with a large number of players from five or more. In order to avoid draws, from the deck can be removed one wild card, because the number of cards becomes odd, even a draw can not play. The first deliverer is determined by lot, and in the next game deals the cards the player who lost the previous game. The deck is shuffled thoroughly, remove the optional and each player is dealt 6 cards. The top card of the deck is opened, showing all and placed under the bottom of the deck. When this card is a joker, it is removed in the middle of the pack and opens again the top card of the deck. In the first game goes to the first player who has a younger trump card if trump not, either by lot or is determined by the lowest card, if both players have two identical trump (playing 2 decks), the following trump cards are compared, in their absence, , advantage is given to the player with the joker in the following games go under the bum. The first player can make the first move with any of your card. Player card goes to the player to his left, and the player must fight off the map, or do the following: put the card of the same value and two cards go to the next player in a clockwise direction for the beating; show the trump card of the same value (travel) and the map, which went, the player skips to the previous, that is, back to the player counterclockwise. This player, if he did travel, obliged to fight back, otherwise the next player, if you have cards of the same value, these cards can transfer them further clockwise to the next player. In the absence or reluctance to transfer the player hits a card. In order to fight off the need to put the values of the older card of the same suit. If the card you want to fight off is not an asset, it is possible to recapture her trump card. When this card is trump, respectively, then beat off it can trump older values. If the player beats the card, the other players can throw up cards of the same values that are on the table. The right to pop the first belongs to the player who made the first move, then pop goes right to the other players in a clockwise direction. The maximum number of pop-card 10. In that case, if the players have thrown for more than ten cards, the player can choose: to choose the cards to beat, and the rest to return; repel the first card of the player who is closest to entering the reverse order of moves. In the case of a travel show, the player can himself throw up cards of the same value as that of travel, and, accordingly, to beat them. If the player who bounces, discourage all laid out cards, the cards are in retreat, are deposited in a closed stack, and participation in the game did not take. If the player who bounces, not discourage all cards melded, it takes all the cards themselves. Joker beats any card except two. The Joker can only repel the deuce or another joker. Thus, the game goes so long until one player remains with cards on hand. This player loses the game and called "stupid."