
Number of decks: 1
The number of cards in the deck: 26 (along with 2-jokers)
Number of players: 2
The seniority of the cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Purpose of the game: first get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. A card game of the rule, which is based on the Fibonacci sequence of the great Italian mathematician of the late Middle Ages. The Fibonacci sequence consists of numbers that are equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584 , 4181, ... Now about the rules of the game. The game uses 26 cards: 4 deuces, 4 triplets, 2 quads, 4 fives, 2 sixes, 4 sevens, 4 eights, 2 jokers. The game is played by 2 players. The first deliverer is determined by lot, in the next games players give cards in turn. The chosen dispenser carefully shuffles the deck and gives each player 5 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table. The first move in the game belongs to the handler, then the players walk one by one. Each player in his turn must do the following: take a card from the remaining deck or put the card on the table in accordance with the rules.

The rules of laying out the card are as follows:

1. If there are no cards on the table, it is allowed to put a joker, which becomes a base card with the ability to lay out cards in two directions (horizontal and vertical), only first a two card or a triple must be placed on the joker.
2. If there are no cards on the table, it is allowed to put a two or three, which will become a basic card with the ability to lay out cards in two directions (horizontal and vertical).
3. If there is a base card of two or three, then in the vertical or horizontal direction, you can put cards with the condition that the laid out map satisfies the Fibonacci sequence. That is, if there is already a two, then horizontally from it or vertically from it you can put a card with a value of 3, if there already is a triple, then you can put a five, after the five players must put a figure of eight.
4. A card with a value of 4 can replace any card, provided that the base card already lies.
5. A card with a value of 6 can only replace a triplet or a five or a zero value. A zero value means that the six can be laid out as a base card with a value of 0.
Thus, the players spread their cards until they have run out and the first player who has freed himself from the cards becomes the winner. If the deck is finished during the game, it is again formed from the cards on the table, and from the laid out sequences, where the last card is a seven or a figure eight, such sequences are called closed. The cards collected from the closed sequence are shuffled and thus form a new playing deck.