
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of Players: 3 - 5
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: successful bet and win it.
Rules of the game. From the second deck, which does not take part in the game, you must get 4 cards: ace, king, queen, jack. It is essential that these cards were of different colors, which card and what color does not really matter. On these cards, each player must put the medals or a certain amount of money. Restrictions no stakes. Once the bets are made, the deliverer is determined by lot, the players continue to sit on the queue map. The deck is shuffled thoroughly, removed and distributed equally among all players. Players on one more, as still playing "fool" (a non-existent player). After that, the players look at their cards, boob cards are face down. The first move belongs to the player who sits to the left of the deliverer. The player can go to the card of any suit, but the lowest value in this suit. Once the first card is played, at her next-highest card, the player who has the card must be shown there. If this card is in the boob, it is the limit "stop", and the player who went to the "stop" makes a new move and can change the color. The player, who will play the same card on which there are bets, takes all the bets of the map itself. Thus, winning the game is the player who collects the highest number of bets at.