A donkey

There are totally two different games with the same name. Let us consider them separately.

The first version of the game

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of players: from 2 and up
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: to collect a certain number of cards.
Rules of the game. The first deliverer is determined by lot, then players are dealt cards at a time. The deck is shuffled thoroughly, removed and distributed equally among all participants in the game. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the deliverer. Each player has to share with its neighbor to the left of one of his cards. He takes his any card and give it to another player, the other player instead of giving his card. So in a clockwise direction as long as one player is not a certain amount of fours, ie 4 cards of the same value. Players before the game agree that the number of fours, which have to dial. For example, 3 fours, 4 Four, 5 fours, etc. If any of the players pick up in the course of the draw is the number he recognized as the winner. If this turned out to be the number of fours in the distribution of one of the players, it is recognized as the winner and the game begins anew.

A donkey

The second version of the game

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 36
Number of Players: 3 to 4
The hierarchy of cards: 6, 7, 8, 9, C, E, K, 10, T.
Goal of the game: the last to leave the game.
Rules of the game. The first deliverer is determined by lot, as follows deliverer becomes the player who started the game. Before the game, all players choose a set of aces. There are 5 options trump choice.

Option 1 - Each player has a different trump card. This is the default setting and the most.
Option 2 - play no-trump.
Option 3 - 1 ace all players and ordinary cards do not beat the trump card.
4 variant - 2 trumps all the conventional players and cards do not beat the trump card.
5 option - 2 trumps all (major and minor), the entire deck is divided into 3 parts - a normal card (hearts and clubs), the younger group trumps (drums) and senior group trumps (spades). Senior trump allowed to beat all the younger ace allowed only to beat the younger Trump and conventional maps, normal maps are allowed only to beat the usual cards.

If you use one or two trumps at all, of a kind is permitted to impose on each other, no matter what a card - the senior or junior or regular trump card. Change or clean the trump card for the game is prohibited.
After selecting trumps deliverer deals each player 4 cards. In the first game the first move belongs to the player who has the diamonds card minimum, the following parties move belongs to the player who sits to the left of the deliverer. If none of the players do not have the card with the suit of diamonds, the first move belongs to the first player to the left of the deliverer. Permission to go any number of cards of the same suit, or three, or four cards of the same rank. The next player clockwise has to interrupt the map, ie the map should be put to one less than the dignity and the suit or the card of the same value. Maps must fight with all the previous course. The seniority of cards with the lowest at older: Ace, 10, King, Queen, Jack, 9, 8, 7, 6. Six has all the cards of the same suit that itself, except eight, and the ladies of the same suit. Eight beats all cards of the same suit that itself, but the king and the ladies of the same suit. After the player, who had to fend interrupted or dropped the same number of cards that turn if he does not has been made, then the card interrupts the next player, and so long as all the players, except the player who looked like, do not have the opportunity to kill the card or reset their. A stack of cards in the center of the table, which is formed by alternately interrupting called the bank. The Bank takes his glasses the player who broke the bank or the last player who was like, and no one interrupted. When collecting four cards of the same rank, the player runs out of turn. If several players collect a combination of four cards of the same rank, then walks the player who has the combination or older. After taking the bank's players gather additionally cards from the deck, the first takes the player who took the bank. Further goes the one who took the bank. The party continues until the end of the deck. If one player has collected 4 sevens and won the game, then all his opponents appointed by one bank. Bank it extra points.

The cost of card with glasses

12 points - Ace.
10 points - 10.
5 points - the king.
3 points - the lady.
1 point - the jack.
0 points - 9,8,7.
-1 Point - 6.


When you play one-on-one or 2 to 2 players: 124-61 point -> 0 cans; 40 Points ( "egg") -> 0, cans, and in the next batch of one additional bank lost the game to the player; 59-45 points -> 1 bank; 44-30 points -> 2 banks; 29-15 points -> 3 banks; 14-1 points or 5-8 pairs of cards without glasses -> 4 banks; 0-4 pairs of cards without glasses, collected as a result of the party -> 5 cans; minus 1 - minus 4 points -> 6 cans.
With the game three of every man for himself: 124-41 point -> 0 cans; 40 Points ( "egg") -> 0 cans (if the "egg" is only one player, if he loses in the next game, he will get 1 extra jar to his defeat, and if at all, in the next batch of 1 additional bank lost the game to the player); 39-30 points -> 1 bank; 29-20 points -> 2 banks; 19-10 points -> 3 banks; 9-1 or 4-8 desks point cards without glasses -> 4 banks; 0-3 pairs of cards without glasses, which are collected as a result of the party -> 5 cans; minus 1 - minus 4 points -> 6 cans.
With the game four, where each player plays for himself: 124-31 point -> 0 cans; 30 Points ( "egg") -> 0 cans (if the "egg" only one player or two players, and if the player or players will lose in the next game, the player or players receive 1 additional bank to its defeat, and if all, the next batch of 1 extra bank credited the player lost the game); 29-23 points -> 1 bank; 22-16 points -> 2 banks; 15-9 points -> 3 banks; 8-2 points and 3-8 pairs of cards without glasses -> 4 banks; 1-0 points and 0-2 pairs of cards without glasses, which are collected as a result of the party -> 5 cans; minus 1 - minus 4 points -> 6 cans.
The game goes up to 10 cans and defeat all opponents.

Game three of us two to one. Trumps are the same for all players and does not change under any circumstances. Trumps are divided into two groups: younger group - Knave cards; senior group - spades. The deck is divided into 3 parts: the usual maps, younger group trumps older group trumps. Common cards are hitting just ordinary cards. Younger trump beat just ordinary cards. Senior trump can beat trump Jr. and conventional maps. If a player does not hit the card, which must hit, then he must discard a card from the same group that owns the card with which the move was made. If a card is not present, a player may discard any card. Each player is dealt 11 cards. 3 cards that are left, are placed face-down next to each other, and the player who has the youngest starting to trump trade. If the 4 most significant trump card are not at the 1st player, then retake the deck. Trade is that the players look at their cards and decide which of them will play himself against two opponents. If the player who has the youngest Trump, he refuses to play, the right choice is given to the next player, who has the following ascending ace, and the player who refused to play himself more involved in trade does not accept. If 3 players refuse to play for themselves, the game follows the rules of the game, each for himself, or held at the Trade Points are counted as one-on-one or two-on-two. Before distributing the players choose one of the three following options proposed by the game.
Option 1 - if there is a player who plays for himself, then he wins the pot and gives one of his most are not necessary for him to map your opponents and makes the first move in the game.
Option 2 - If there is a player who plays for himself, then he puts his glasses any 3 cards wins the pot itself, with the result that each player on their hands for 11 cards, then the player makes the first move in the game. If none of the players wanted to play did not, then each player takes one card from the bank, each player gets 12 cards in his hand, and the first move is made by a player who has at the hands of 6 peaks.
3 option - the player who has agreed to play himself can choose the first or second option, prior to take the pot.
Each turn consists of just one card. Players who played together after the party put their glasses together and if you got more than 60 points, the player plays for himself scored less than 60 points, and did not come out of the penalty area, due to which considers its banks by the rule of the game one-on one or two on two.

Game three of the four of us for one. This game is different from playing three two to one only by the fact that each player is dealt 8 cards and 4 cards left in the bank. Before you go to the player who plays himself, giving their 3 unwanted cards one card to each player, but players who play together instead of giving one of the largest map of the oldest group, which is available to them. If there is a player who plays himself, then do not need, each player takes one card from the bank, resulting in each player on his hands getting on the 9 cards.