General Poker Strategy

Under the strategy of the game is understood a complex or program of certain actions from the player, which are aimed at winning the bank. I will give an example of a standard program for a player who plays Poker.

1. The player must understand how often this or that combination of cards falls out. 52 cards contained in the deck can be about 2598960 different five card combinations. So, the combination of royal fresh can be made only in four ways, the flash can be composed of 5108 ways, and the pair has 1098240 ways. By comparing these numbers, you can see how often what combinations of cards can be in the player's hands. And it is natural that the more players play at the table, the more likely these combinations fall out. Therefore, a player who wants to win must know the probability table of combinations for different poker variants.
2. The player must understand the likelihood of making combinations of cards during the game. That is, a player by changing cards can get this or that combination. To change and distribute additional cards, there are also probability tables.
3. If the player knows that his combination is older than the combinations of other players, then he must make all players put as much money as possible. If the player's cards are approximately equal to the cards of other players, then the bets should not be very high.
4. If the player does not have anything, then he must fold his cards. A lot of money is lost by players who play poker stud, who enter the game with weak cards, just to fold them later. If the game develops such a situation that the player's cards are weaker, then he also needs to fold them. In this case, you can use a bluff, but bluffing can not bring a huge profit to the player, since to the real player it is not difficult for the opponent to recognize the bluff from this game.
5. The player must find a weaker player who is called "fish" on the poker slang and play with him at the same table. If a player can not determine such a player between two or three tables in a poker club, then most likely this player himself is a fish.
6. It is necessary to play at a table with a large number of players, as among a large number of players it is easier to find a player who plays worse.
7. You need to play at the table, where the lowest commission fees. In Russia, the commission fee is 3 to 5 percent.
8. It is necessary to study the style of each player who plays at the table. For example, one player prefers a bluff, the other always changes cards on the second betting interval, the third with bad cards always goes out on the second betting interval, and so on.