
This Code was approved by the editorial board of the Company's preference of fans in Russia in Moscow June 10, 1996 What is remarkable, there is no information that this company was going to at least once.
The main objective of the Code, as I understand it, was to determine the correct procedure in the Preference game in all its stages. Why was it decided to establish a Code? Because the rules of the game preference so different in different regions of Russia and in the CIS countries, there is no game in Preference in the "pure form". That to this end, decided to bring the rules in preference to a single top. What gives? Playing Preference for one and the same rules, in theory it would be possible to carry out, as the competition, as well as various tournaments in this game. But then that society preference fans gathered once, it did not get. I understand there is a material component, for holding even a single meeting of the Company's preference of fans is very expensive, in theory if you are in that society, that was all in the mind you need to register, make contributions, select the head and so on, I doubt, what might have been in 1996, and is now under question.
According to the search query and the number of visits to sites for preference, we can confidently say that fans of the game a little bit. A little bit because this game for intellectuals. We have the same card games are associated either with a free pastime game Fool , or associated with the commercial point of view - this is the game for money.
As for the preference of the Code, all its main points I took from the Internet.
