
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 32 or 52
Number of Players: 3 - 7
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: the first to be written off his glasses.
Rules of the game. If you play at least four people, using a deck of 32 cards if 4 people or more, use a deck of 52 cards. The first deliverer is determined by lot, in the following games players are dealt cards at a time. The deck is shuffled thoroughly, removed, and each player is dealt 5 cards. The remaining deck is placed face down on the center of the table, the top card is removed, opens this trump card. The game consists of two stages: the ads and draw. The first player starts the ad on the left of deliverer. He can say "pass", then he puts his hand to the side to join them this card, or it may say "play", then he takes himself a trump. Thus, all players make announcements. Announces the latest deliverer. The player, who has at the hands of an ace, has no right to give in. Players can buy cards, the latter spends big deliverer. Once players have completed declare rally begins. The first player starts playing on the left of deliverer, he makes the first move in the drawing of the first bribe. In each subsequent trick first move belongs to the player who took the previous trick. The player can put any card, the next player in a clockwise direction to put the card of the same suit, if it's missing, it should put a trump card. If the player puts the card against the rules, he put remise 5 points. After playing all the cards, starts scoring. Games record begins with 100, 150 or 200 points. For every bribe a player is recorded on one point, with the ace of spades - 5 points for the ace of clubs - 10 points, with the ace of diamonds - 15 points, with the ace of hearts - 20 points. The player who did not take any bribes on the cards without an ace, puts remise 5 points, the player who was left without a bribe for any whatsoever ace puts remise commensurate with the cost of an ace. Obremizivshiysya with ace peak attributed remise 10 points, with the ace of clubs - 15 points, with the ace of diamonds - 20 points, with the ace of hearts - 25 points. The player who did not take any bribe two or three aces, writes remise equal to the value of aces. The player who first withdraws his entry the winner. If a player has a combination of four aces (Rams), the player opens his cards and debit his entire record.

Rams with negotiations

The game follows the traditional rules of the Rams some changes. When all players have announced their intentions to play or fold, the first player announces on what he is going to take a bribe. There are 2 options: to trump suits on. If a player believes that he has a strong suit, he says, "on the suits," if he thinks that he has a strong trump card, he says "in the trumps." Then all the other players are saying the same thing.

Rams modern

The game follows the normal rules for the Rams some changes. The game involved 4 people. A deck of 24 cards. Each player is dealt 5 cards, 4 cards are laid in the talon. If at the time the player will be 5 cards of the same suit, the player has the right to declare the re-take cards. The game goes so long as any of the players did not score 20 points. Buy goes to the player who sits to the left of the deliverer. If the player refuses a widow, the buy-passes to the next player clockwise. If the buy-nobody went, these cards do not participate in the game. Buy a player blindly 4 blows his cards, leaving himself one, and then blindly takes the community cards. Each player has the right to vistovat or pass. A player who is gaining 17 points (punishment), has no right to pass. If any of the players played and did not take any bribes, that his account is debited 5 points is the "horns". Write off spectacles or start from scratch or from five points scored. The player who has at the hands of 2 black and 2 red jack can present them and, if he takes a bribe, it adds to them an additional 5 points. If any player will be in the hands of 4 Jacks (in this game is the Rams), the game ends. The calculation at the end of the game can be carried out either gleaning bribes, either for the same bank, which is formed from the contributions before the game and each player who goes to the player who has won.

Rams in the area

Play two deck of 36 cards. Before the game is determined by the deliverer. The first deliverer are drawn by lot, and in the next game, losing the one who lost in the previous game. Deliverer thoroughly shuffles, then remove the deck partner, then each player is dealt 5 cards, 5 cards are laid in the community cards, then remove the top card from the remaining deck is the trump card. In this game it is important not to be deliverer, as a partner in the event of bad cards can change them on the talon, and handed the card to remove the deck. If a player came to trump ace, then go with it necessarily, otherwise the player gets 5 penalty points. If an ace is on the site of the card that represents a trump card, then go trump king. If on one hand there are the trump Queen and King, be sure to make a move on one of these cards. Violation of this rule will be penalized five points. In other cases the progress made with any card and partner deliverer walks. In response, the other player can put any card. Bribe takes the player who put the highest card in the suit of course. The aim of the game is to withdraw 15-points, which are recorded for each player before the game. Each player's payoff is worth one point. If the bribe 2 jack of the same color, then deducted 5 points, if both partners will gather for 2-color jack, then deducts points the one that has the jack of trumps. By agreement in such cases before the game can deduct points both partners if one of the partners came five cards of the same suit (Rams), it deducts 5 points, and the partner records currently 5 penalty points. If the Rams trump, these figures are doubled. If during the game the partner does not take any bribes, he gets 5 penalty points, and besides, he is obliged to pay a pre-determined amount (rental). The winner is the player who wrote down 15 points. If a player withdraws more than 15 points, for example, 17 points, he recorded 17 penalty points.