Russian Bank (Krapetta, fight)

Number of decks: 2 Number of cards in pack: 52
Number of players: 2
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: the first to get rid of all their cards.
Rules of the game. Each player takes a deck of cards, carefully shuffle the deck and changing with your opponent. Next, each player lays out his deck of cards 13 in a closed stack. This stack is called a warehouse, shop or suitcase. The top card store opens. The player who has the card over, starts the game first. Before going both players spread open to 4 auxiliary cards so that the cards placed between another card base for aces. The player who makes the first move, opens the card of your deck and can be played by the following rules: put in the middle of the layout of all the aces, which opened to the subsidiary card, and put them on other cards of the same suit in ascending, that is, in the sequence; on the auxiliary card - others in descending order and in opposite colors - black on red and vice versa, so that they formed auxiliary open packages. Also free for shifting the top card of the warehouse, which can be put on the base or support. When a card is played the player, then open the next card in the stock. For manipulation with cards free top card of the deck is closed, it is also allowed to be placed on the base or support, then allowed to open the next, and to dispose of it. The player who started the game continues its long until exhausted all its possibilities. If not, then he puts in front of the open top card of your deck, which in not suitable for folding cards will continue to accumulate and then starts playing the opponent, which opens at the top card of the deck and makes all possible manipulations for him. Having exhausted all the possibilities, also puts on in front of him unfit card and begins to play the opponent. The game goes up until one of the players has exhausted all of its cards from a warehouse and auxiliary packages, open and closed decks. If the ends closed deck that flips open and the game continues. The first player to get rid of all their cards is the winner.

Option Russian bank

Players can agree on is that each player is required to immediately put on the base all the appropriate card. If the player does not see such a possibility and make a different combination, then his opponent chooses the move, and then he puts the card on the base and proceeds to their game.