
Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in pack: 36 or 52
Number of players: from 2 or more
Precedence card 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T
Goal of the game: the first to get rid of all their cards.
Rules of the game. From the deck removed lowest card. Depending on the number of cards in the deck, remove 2 (6) of any suit and put in the middle of the table. This - "pig." The remaining deck is placed next to a pig. Each player in turn takes the top card from the deck and places it in front of you in the clear. This - "shop" player. After that, each player in turn takes the top card from the deck. If a card that took the player of the same suit and the same value is older than the pig card, this card is placed on a pig. If the card that the player took, below the same value than the player's card store on the left or right side of the player, this card is placed in the player's store, in this case the suit is not important. If the card can not be put in the shop or on the pig, the player puts it beside him in a closed form. Aces can not be put anywhere. If the card can be put in the player's store, and a pig at the same time, the card is placed on a pig. When the deck cards run out, the player uses the card, which he formed as a result of the game. The winner is the player who stayed with some aces, provided that the other players there are still other cards. Losers players are called pigs.