Recall the map

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 36 (52)
Number of players: 2 - 4
The seniority of the cards: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: first get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. The rules of this game was provided by Keith Stewart. Two, three or four people play. It is preferable to play the four of us. The first deliverer is determined by lot or at will, in the following games, players take the cards in turn, clockwise. The deck is carefully stacked and evenly distributed among all the players. After that, players look and remember their cards, then at the command all simultaneously put their cards in front of them in a closed form in a pile. The first move in the game belongs to the deliverer. The sender removes the top card from his stack, places it on the center of the table and then speaks about the next top card of his stack, that it is "older," "younger," or "the same." Then the sender opens it and if he guessed, then this card is put over the already laid out card and the move moves to the next player clockwise, if he does not guess, then he picks up all the cards that are already laid out in the center of the table and puts them underneath his Stacks. Then the turn moves to the next player clockwise, which does the same. In the game there is a special case if the player plays with a black ace (the first card is laid out, not guessed), then all players take their stack of cards and can view it, remember (remember) the cards again, this is allowed until the player guesses or not Guessing his card with the subsequent actions, after which players put the cards in a pile and the game continues with the next player. The player who first gets rid of all his cards becomes the winner.

Note. There is a variant of the game when only the player who has laid out the black ace can look at his cards, and until the turn of the turn will return to him again.