* Alupa

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 24
Number of players: 4
The seniority of the cards: 9, 10, B, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: to play the least number of kones, so as not to be called a bad word.
Rules of the game. The sender is determined by lot or at will, he draws from the deck one card of each suit, mixes them and offers each player to extend the card clockwise. Thus, it is determined for each player its trump card for all games that will eventually be played. Then the handler mixes all the cards into a deck, carefully shuffles, removes and each player gives one card until each player has 6 cards. After this, each player gives another player his junior trump card. In a game such a situation can arise, for example, when after the first hand, one of the players had 3 nines and he gave them to other players, and he himself got one, so he had 4 cards, unlike the other players. In this case, the game starts with a different number of cards on hand. Then start the game. The first move in the first game belongs to the deliverer, in each next game to the one who lost in the previous one. You can walk from any card, the next player clockwise should discard this card, that is, put either a card of the highest value, or trump, if the move is made not by the trump card or the senior trump card, if the move is made by the trump card. If the card that was sent is repelled, then the next move is made by the player who fought back. He puts his turn card over the beaten cards, and the next player clockwise shoots it. If a player can not beat it, then he takes all the cards that have accumulated on the table during the game. As such, there is no release in the game until either player makes it. To do this, the player must say "End", then all the cards that have accumulated in the game go into hibernation and do not participate in the game, but in this case the next move belongs not to the player who said the end, and the next player clockwise . The player who ends the cards during the game, leaves it. The loser is the player who has at least one card left or the player who fought back. The game played in this way is called a kon. After each kona, the player who lost, places his smallest trump card in the last played trumpet next to him, and this card does not take part in any further participation, but the smallest trump card he should get from another player is a dozen, jacks and so on. Further. After this, the player loses the match and hands over the cards. The handing over of cards begins with the player who sits behind the dealer in a clockwise direction. As a result, after the second kona, each player has 6 cards, and the dealer has 5 cards. After this, the smallest trump cards are exchanged and the number of cards on hand can change. Further, the draw of the dealt cards is continued according to the rules, which were considered above. As a result, there are as many kones as needed to determine the loser of the whole game.
And the loser of the whole game is defined as follows. When the loser for the first time postpones his smallest trump card, then the player writes the letter "z", if the same player loses the second time, then he puts the ten next to him and writes down the second letter "a", for the third time puts the jack and Writes the letter "l", puts the lady on the fourth time and writes "y", puts the king for the fifth time and writes two "pas" at once. Once a player collects six letters, then he is considered to be the loser of the whole game and is called a word from these six letters.