Four seasons

The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

Solitaire goal: it is necessary to collect all the cards on the base piles in the descending sequences, regardless of suit.

Rules of Solitaire. Before unfolding the solitaire, you must carefully shuffle the cards in the deck, then 5 playing piles in the form of a cross are put on one card in each pile, the top cards of the game stacks lie in the open. Next, the next card from the deck is laid out in the left upper corner of the cross, this card is the starting card of the first basic stack. The other 3 starting cards of the three basic stacks should be the same value as the starting card in the first base stack and these cards are laid out during the game. The remaining deck is placed to the left of the cross and is a reserve. On the first and subsequent moves of the solitaire unfolding, it is allowed to move the upper cards of the game stacks to the base stacks in the descending sequences, regardless of suit. If a game stack is released from the cards during the game, you can put any card on the vacant empty space. After all the possibilities for moving the cards are exhausted, it is allowed to flip through the backup deck, moving the matching cards to gaming or base piles. The deck does not retake.

Solitaire converged if all the cards are collected on the base piles in descending sequences regardless of suit.