
The terms of solitaire

Number of decks: 1

Number of cards in the deck: 52

Number of players: 1

The aim of solitaire: It is necessary to collect all the cards on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.

Rules of Solitaire. The deck is carefully stacked and laid out 12 game stacks on 4 cards in each pile. Half of the cards in the stacks are in the open. On the right side of the stacks are 4 places for the basic stacks, where the starting cards are the aces that move during the game. It is allowed to use fully open cards in the game rows for moving, these cards can be moved from one game stack to another game stack in descending sequence with alternating color of the suit. You can transfer both one card and a series of cards, which makes up the sequence. If one of the stacks is freed from the cards, then you can put any game card on the empty space. Those cards that, as a result of transferring game cards to base stacks or to another stack, are released, opened and become gaming.

Solitaire converged if all the cards are collected on the base piles in ascending sequences in the suit.