
Before showing this trick, you need to expand the cards in the order, any card, 7, 8, any card, 8, any card, 8, any card, 8, any card, 7, any card, 7, any card 7 , any card. As a result, eight are located in positions - 1, 3, 5, 7, and seven will be located at the positions - 9, 11, 13, 15. Ask the spectator to remove the deck, then take the lower part of the deck and ask a spectator to choose any card. As he looks at the selected map and shows it to the rest of the audience, quickly sneak you shall count from the top 7 cards and keep them in the right hand. Then ask to put the selected card on the deck, which is located in your left hand and place it on top of those seven cards that are in your right hand. The map viewer has selected is the eighth top. Put those cards on the center of the table, then take the upper part of the deck and then ask you to stop at any time. Begin to lay out cards one by one, saying to himself: "Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, and so on." "Yes" - it is seven or eight. When the spectator says "stop," and you have the card in the hands of "no," then you have to put it on the table and open the next card. If you are in the hands of the card is "yes", then you have to turn it. If the viewer does not stop you once you open 7. Ask the spectator to take the lower part of the deck of cards and count 7, and then open the eighth card. If you have opened eight, the viewer must count the eighth card and open it.