Always red card

It is necessary to focus the execution of certain cards and be prepared to make a sequence of them: the king of clubs, 10 spades, 8 of hearts, 5 spades, 3 clubs, 8 spades, 9 clubs, 3 spikes, 6 spades, queen of clubs. Put the cards in a sequence in a horizontal row on the table. The even put a card face up. In our case, all cards black suit with the exception of 8 hearts. In the fourth card in a single drawing shirts must be red and the rest in blue shirt. The trick is as follows. Write on a piece of paper your prediction and ask the viewer to call any number from one to 10 in order to then choose the card that lies under this number. This card will always be red, because your prediction says: "It will be a red card". Focus The secret lies in the fact that, using a different method of account, the card will always be red.

The methodology accounts

One - for each letter in the word touching the cards, counting from left to right, and turn the 5 peaks, showing the viewer a red shirt.
Two - count from left to right and turn the 8 of hearts and all the cards that lie face down.
Three - also count as in figure 2, turn the 8 of hearts and all the cards that lie face down.
Four - count as well as in figure 1, turn the 5 peaks and all open maps.
Five - count as well as in figure 1, turn the 5 peaks and all open maps.
Six - count from right to left open the card and open the sixth card, which lies to the right of the fifth card (8 of hearts), and all the hole cards.
Seven - count as well as in figure one.
Eight - count right to left and get to the 8 of hearts, turn it over, and all the hole cards.
Nine - count from right to left 5 closed cards and 4 open cards and get to the 8 of diamonds.
Ten - count right to left and turn the 5 of spades and all open maps as well as in figure one.

Thus, in any case, your prediction will come true. Be sure to accent attention to the fact that the audience chose the figure.