Throwing cards

One of the favorite florists of magicians. When it is performed well, the effect is simply wonderful. Hands are located separately and the cards jump from one hand to the other. In order to perform this florish, take the deck in the right hand, the ends between the thumb on one side and the middle with the ring fingers on the other side. Then bend the cards, grabbing them by the ends, so that the convex side of the deck is directed into the palm, so that the cards naturally begin to jump out of the fingers. Place your left hand at a distance, somewhere 15-20 centimeters from the right hand, in the position for capturing cards. Continue to squeeze the deck, allowing the cards to jump out one after another, while catching them with your left hand.

Throwing cards

As you practice, you can increase the distance between your hands. The florist itself must be executed with a turn of the body to the left, so that the hands describe an arc in the air. The right hand should follow the last card and cover the cards in the left hand with a loud pop.