Ingress, a virtual-real game from Google [ONLINE]

The world around you is not what it looks like

The world around you is not what it seems

Google launched the game to turn your real world into a virtual one!

Google has released a multiplayer gaming platform that turns your real world into a virtual one.

Ingress, виртуально-реальная игра от Google

The name of the game Ingress - it can be downloaded for smartphones on the Android OS via Google Play.

The storyline of the game - European scientists discovered amazing energy, you need to learn to control before it starts to control you.

The game assumes that you will not just play it, resting on the couch. It requires real action in real life - walking along the street, discovering new opportunities, finding weapons, solving complex problems. For example, to control objects called "portals" that throw energy in places such as museums and libraries - the user must visit these places. And having united three such places, take control of the territory.

That is, the game based on your geolocation data determines where you are now, and adds a virtual layer to real objects - buildings, monuments, geographic objects.

Ingress. The world is not what it seems

Ingress, виртуально-реальная игра от Google

Meet Ingress - a new game from Google. The scene of action is an alternative reality. The recent Niantic project, by the way, was a viral advertisement of this action.

You have to take one side - to fight for power ("Enlightened"), or for the rebels ("Resistance").

The application installed on the android device will guide you to the places of the "Exotic Matter" cluster (real geographic coordinates that you will need to visit).

An important role here is played by team play - your faction needs to gain control over energy portals and create an area that the faction can control. Well, to win back the same zones created by the enemies.

In the end, only one team will win. The battle for the territory will last from a year to a year and a half, after which the result will be announced.

John Hanke from Niantic said that when creating the game, the developers were inspired by the brainchild of JJ Abrams (LOST Fringe).

While the version for Android , Expected for iOS.

The site of the project rolls out right now, in the process of writing the topic, the guys still finished the layout.

I can not now check for myself what a game is for a person in the CIS, so I'm waiting for feedback from the habrazers living in the US.

UPD . In the comments djvu reports that he is working in Minsk.

To participate in the game, you need to get an invitation, Leaving an application On the site, and download the application.

The mobile application will keep you informed of what the game is currently doing around you, and the web version will show global events on the entire map.