Tanks of Britain World Of Tanks

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Welcome, colleagues, tankers!

In this article, we analyze the British branch of development of tanks (in the game World of Tanks), we will consider in detail all its pros and cons, characteristics, possible tactics of attack and defense, and perhaps help you decide on the choice of the nation.

The popularity of British tanks in the World of Tanks

Tanks for battle, gentlemen! For the queen! The following phrases have entered firmly into the thought of Britain in many people. After the update with the introduction of British technology, it became the most popular (which is usually the case after the introduction of new tanks - their popularity rises sharply against the background of other techniques). Although the tanks of Britain and nothing very different from other tanks, they still found their admirers (although there are a couple of cars that deserve attention and are very individual in the game). Top cars are the most popular, as, indeed, many others, but the most striking of them are anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations .

Advantages and Disadvantages of British Tanks

At first glance, it may seem that British tanks do not have any features or significant differences from the technique of other nations. This is not quite true. Features are there, but they are extremely unsuccessfully balanced because of the historical purpose of the tanks in England. The brightest advantage of technology is the "English" accuracy. In order to clarify the pros and cons of the technology, let's plunge into the history of British tank construction and what they were generally needed for.

A bit of history

The navy in England was best developed (due to the geographic location of this state), and in addition to the fleet, few areas were developed. Then the British command thought over the development of heavy vehicles, for covering the infantry in battle (back in the days of the First World War). Having built the first tanks, and successfully using them in battle, it was decided to develop this industry. The first tanks of the Second World War had a narrow purpose: the breakthrough of fortifications and the attack in the rear of the enemy. Therefore, for the breakthrough, tanks with high armor were used, and for "rear wars" cruiser tanks were used . Cavalry (cruising) tanks include fast tanks with light armor and small guns designed to quickly penetrate the enemy's rear and cause damage by unexpected attacks. The most typical representatives of this class of tanks can be called the branch of the light tanks of Britain.

And now back to the merits and demerits, based on historical significance.

  • The undeniable advantage is that the British achieved their "cruising" significance: Covenanter, Crusader, Cromwell, Comet are ideal for entering the rear at speed and cutting enemy artillery. The pluses can be attributed frontal armor of some cars (such as Black Prince, Matilda, Valentine and almost all anti-tank self-propelled guns of Britain). Medium tanks have worse armor, but some slope gives a chance of non-penetration, and the tower traditionally can hold a good blow. Not bad at the British and guns: they have good armor-piercing, quick mixing and not too long recharging. Some machines have mobility, speed and maneuverability. British tanks have a good overview.
  • The disadvantages are one-time damage per shot, because It is very small (except for the high-purity and top-of-the-line FW215b (183)). Some equipment has bad armor. The huge drawbacks of the heavily armored British tanks are speed, maneuverability and the vast "soft" points easily accessible for breaking through.

General information

The technique is divided into 4 initial branches of WoT development: pt-sau, light tanks (full high-speed "cruising" ruler), light tanks (up to heavy tanks) and medium tanks (to heavy tanks).


British anti-tank installations are famous for their armor, as well as good quick-firing and penetrating guns. You can get a lot of fun from their penetration and armor at any level of fighting, but strongly resent their speed. In general, they can be said about them, that British tank builders achieved their goals when they built these cars as invincible destroyers of fortifications. They are difficult to break and they have quick-fire guns, so dealing with such machinas in close combat will be problematic for many players, and at long distances it will be difficult to heal vulnerabilities. However, with its small speed, British anti-tank installations become a lacquer target for enemy artillery. The most interesting and popular models are AT 2, Valentine AT, Alecto and FV215b (183).

"Cruising" light tanks

Light tanks of Britain of the initial levels (and all British tanks up to level 4 - a real cardboard). Light tanks of the initial levels are similar to each other completely on both branches. They are easily armored, have the same equipment and the same gun. Despite its armor, light tanks have piercing cannons, and they also have a Pom-Pom gun that fires two projectiles, each of which is a doublet. "Cruising" light tanks reach Cromwell, and starting with it there are medium tanks. Cromwell has excellent dynamics and a good weapon, extremely weak armor and after it goes less agile machines, with better guns. The worst tank on this line is, perhaps, Comet, which has no armor, no normal speed, no good cannon (a disgusting penetration of 148 units).

Light tanks (to heavy tanks)

In general, they are very similar to "cruising" light tanks, i.e. They are also "cruising", but they are already leading to heavy vehicles. They have the worst armor, compared to the first branch of light tanks, but otherwise exactly the same. At the fourth level, Valentine (on which many do not stay long) falls on the way and from the fifth level the branch of heavy tanks of Great Britain begins. It begins with a heavy tank Churchill I. The tank has a good gun. It is accurate, piercing, fast enough and does good damage. The tank has good armor (in no way comparable to the Lend-Lizovsky churchill), but low speed.

Medium tanks

Although they are average, they are still badly armored. These tanks have mediocre dynamics, oblique, but penetrating and damaging cannons. They are interesting in everything only with guns. At the fourth level, we get a perfectly armored tank Matilda, which is too tough for even some of the fifth levels. Matilda has a choice of two good guns. One high-explosive, and the other a quick-fire puncher. On the fifth level, we again go to the heavy tank Churchill I.
Heavy tanks of Britain are not badly armored in the forehead, they have good guns (except Black Prince) and they feel good in battles with one-level "classmates".

The result

Summing up, we can say that British tanks are good for experienced players , because The novice will not be able to understand the whole point (if it is, of course, there is somewhere other than anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations). It's a good idea to pump British equipment to level 8-10 to simply ride in random battles, without special encroachments on the "formidable bend" or anything else in this spirit. It just skates, so to speak, for the soul (again, except for pt-sau, there is another story). Mention anti-tank self-propelled guns Britain is necessary, because Her armor and weapons are horrible to many players and ride them, as on the breakthrough tanks. Artillery is still deprived of the British, but I hope for a little while. Do not forget about the "English" jewelry precision tools and therefore many French "artologists" may be interested in a new, probably corresponding to English standards of precision artillery.