Decorative Rabbits - Profitable Business or Hobby?

Recently, decorative rabbits (also known as dwarf rabbits) have become popular as pets. They differ from ordinary rabbits in smaller sizes and weights, and also characterized by small ears (up to 7 cm in length) and a short head. In Europe, there are many rabbit nurseries, standards for breeds, exhibitions are held. There are many breeds and breed groups of ornamental rabbits - angora, colored angora, Dutch, rex, ram, butterfly, and others.

In an apartment, rabbits are kept in cages, and clean-bred rabbits are let out for walks around the apartment. The diet of ornamental rabbits is almost the same as that of their large counterparts - hay, carrots, grass, tree branches, and also dry dry oats, boiled potatoes, apples.

Decorative rabbits are intelligent and sociable animals, able to find a common language with both the owner and almost all other pets.

Decorative rabbits

Compared to cats, dogs and some other pets, the costs are not their content, and veterinary care is significantly lower, and the joy of communication you will get no less. What is very nice, a rabbit can buy a harness and walk with him on the street, at any time, on the nearest lawn or playground. Rabbit does not need to walk, he quickly learns how to walk in a cat's tray, but walks with him will bring a lot of joy to you and your children.

During the holidays, you can always leave a cage with a rabbit from friends or relatives, to whom he will not give much discomfort. They are very light and convenient when transporting or moving, feel comfortable in the summer at the cottage.

But rabbits, like other pets, require communication, education and care for them. Like other pets, they tend to make small breakdowns in the house. Therefore, acquiring a rabbit, remember that you take in the house first of all an animal, with its character, personality and habits, and not a soft fluffy toy.

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Rabbits are born blind and naked. Most often in the litter there are six to nine rabbits. Some females bring in only 1-3 rabbits, and some up to 12-14 pieces, but this is rare.

Average Prices:

Rabbit dwarf - 850 r.
Rabbit Dwarf Fold - 850 r.
Rabbit dwarf fluffy - 1200 p.
Rabbit super-dwarfish - 1200 r.

The prices are very average and can vary considerably depending on the breed, color and your promotion.