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98. Glass Drilling. 99. Guidance on the glass mat. 100 stamping glass. 101. Cutting the glass tubes.
102. Tempering glasses. 103 Pencils for writing on glass, porcelain and metal. 104. Inscription labels on the glass.
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98. Glass Drilling.

Thin steel drill, heated white hot, tempered in the mercury or a piece of wax and hone. Next, a saturated solution of camphor in turpentine, moisten them drill, impaled on a brace, and quickly drill glass, which at this point is wetted in a solution called drilling. thick glass can be drilled in this way in less than 1 cm in one minute.
In order to drill a hole in the glass, be sure to take a triangular file, put it in turpentine and carefully drill a hole.
You can also drill a glass lathe copper rod, greasing him with oil and sprinkled with sandpaper. Particular attention should be paid to the hole when the drilling process is coming to an end and there is only a thin layer of the latter, since in this case the glass can easily break.

99. Guidance on the glass mat.
To make the glass opaque window should dissolve yellow "special" in turpentine wax and add to the mixture a little desiccant (drying), so that it dried up quickly. This mixture lubricate the window panes, evenly smoothing out her pad of silk cloth with cotton wool. If they want to receive a colored surface, it is possible to add any mixture of dry powder paint.

100. Glass stamping.

For this purpose, two solutions are prepared - one 100 g of water, 12 g of sodium fluoride, and 2 g of potassium fluoride, and another - of 100 g of water, 20 g of hydrochloric acid and 5 g of zinc chloride. An aliquot of each solution was mixed before use and applied with a rubber stamp onto the glass, which should be well previously rubbed.

101. Cutting the glass tubes.

For cutting glass tubes can be used the following method: wrapped then place the tube in which want it cut quite wide strip of paper long enough to it several times wrapped up the phone, and glued the ends, and should pay attention to the fact that the edge of the paper exactly matches to place the proposed incision. Near this piece of paper in the same way the second glued strip of paper so that between them turned out very narrow space of naked glass of uniform width along the circumference, and in which must pass the cut. The strips before winding, it is helpful to moisten slightly. Then put the narrow space between the pieces of paper on fire (cylinder oil lamp or alcohol burner). The tube is rotated over the flame until the glass unprotected space between the pieces of paper are not strong enough to warm up, so that a drop of cold water, let down to this place, it brought clean and smooth cut. The papers, enveloping glass tube, heat to prevent the penetration of closed surfaces and because the flame effect is particularly intense on the exposed strip of glass. Before direct flame on the glass tube, it is necessary well to dry paper, wrapped around the tube, because moisture on the glass can cause it to break on the wrong line.

102. Tempering glasses.

We know how often burst glasses, sometimes for no apparent reason, but in most cases due to sharp changes in temperature, when, for example, in the cold glass pour hot water, or vice versa. Because of this view of some use to bring the following simple and repeatedly tested method of hardening by which glasses can be given the ability to perfectly withstand sudden temperature changes. For this purpose, cups, individually wrapped in a straw is placed in a metal (fish) boiler, which is poured into water at room temperature and put on the plate to gradually boil water. Then, after keeping the glasses in boiling water for 5-6 hours, the boiler is removed from the heat and cover some blankets to keep the water cool down gradually. When water temperature is equal to the room, the glasses can be considered as already well seasoned and very well maintained, not bursting, abrupt transitions from hot water to cold or vice versa.

103 Pencils for writing on glass, porcelain and metal.

Pencils of this type may be prepared from the following formulation: 4 parts by weight spermaceti, fats and 3 parts 2 parts of wax. Then, whichever of color want to have pencils, added to this mixture 6chastey dry paint. Mass thus manufactured is formed into the form of sticks, pencils and ready. They are equally well you can write and take notes without messing up of glass, porcelain or metal.

104. Inscription labels on the glass.

In some cases it is useful instead of paper labels, to be applied to glass bottles and jars, make frosted lettering directly on the glass. Such labels labels more convenient not only in the sense that they are stronger than paper, and replace them is not so easy. Because of this view of some use to bring the following composition, recommended for etched glass matte labels-labels. In 0.5 liter of water were dissolved 36 g of sodium fluoride, 7 g of potassium sulfate. Simultaneously Still another solution is prepared: in 0.5 L of water dissolving 14 grams of zinc chloride were added and 65 g of hydrochloric acid. When used, these two solutions are mixed in equal proportion, and with a soft pen or fine paint brush on glass letters. After half an hour glass appears done with a brush or pen matte inscription label.