Electronic biolocalizer Instrument for the search for oil, ores

Electronic biolocation

Biolocation is known as an ancient method for determining subsoil waters, ore and oil deposits with the help of a vine or so-called logging . There is a hypothesis of the mechanism of this phenomenon, according to which flowing water or ore deposits change the electric field of the earth's layer and thus affect the hybrid "receiver" - a man with a vine in his hand.

The electronic device described is a sensitive indicator that reacts to an electric field that can be amplified, thus determining the occurrence of subsoil waters, minerals or the presence of hidden electrical wiring in the walls of buildings.

The device is made on the basis of two operational amplifiers and three electronic switches powered by a bipolar source. To the output of the first amplifier, which is included as a voltage follower with a high input resistance, a telescopic antenna is connected. Its potential relative to the earth depends on the parameters of the electric field. The positive and negative charges captured by the antenna change the voltage at the output of the first amplifier, which passes through the key K 1 to the input of the second amplifier with the possibility of regulating the gain.

The other two switches - K 2 and KZ - operate in time with the frequency that the multivibrator generates on the integral timer DA2. The short-circuit key connected to the antenna is connected to the potentiometer R6, while the voltage at the compensator C3 and the control terminal of the switch is approximately equal to the algebraic sum of the antenna voltage and that set by the potentiometer R6. On the other hand, the sensitivity of the first amplifier relative to the antenna depends on the frequency with which the capacitance C 2 is discharged through the fault key.

The frequency of the multivibrator can be changed by potentiometer R1 and switch S2, thus adjusting the sensitivity of the instrument to a large extent. The overall sensitivity of the electronic biolocation increases with the switch S2 closed.

Instead of the DA1.1 and DA1.2 amplifiers indicated on the diagram, any operational amplifiers with a small input current can be used. From domestic chips, operational amplifiers K140UD8, K140UD13, K140UD18, K140UD22, K544UD1 are suitable. The most convenient in this scheme is a two-channel operational amplifier of the type K574UD2A , B. However, when replacing amplifiers, it is necessary to apply the appropriate correction circuits, as well as change the circuit power.

The integrated circuit DD1 (4066) contains four analog keys, three of which are used in the circuit. Of domestic chips for replacement are most suitable bidirectional switches type KR1561KTZ. Instead of the integral timer DD2 (7555), you can use the domestic analogue K1006VI1. The measuring head is designed for a current of 50 to 500 mA. Diodes VD1, VD2 - any germanium.


1. Sp . " Amaterske Radio - In", br . 2, 1989 . - "Radio, television , electronics ", 8/89.

                                                        Methodology of TsAKOV (RL 12/92)                      Material taken from the site    Www . Informator . Freeservers . Com