Recipes of hair removal (Epilation) Epilation of the bikini area

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There are a lot of methods for epilation in the bikini area. Only after one there is a terrible irritation, and after other hairs Grow uncomfortably In the skin. What looks like is not aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, many do not trust this procedure even for specialists and spend it independently at home.

At home, you can try epilating with ordinary machines electroepilators. I'll have to wait. The procedure is not pleasant. First, the bikini zone needs to be steamed, for example, to take a bath. After that, the skin should be degreased and disinfected. Only then you can safely embark on epilation. Hairs must be plucked against the growth of hair. To not be so painful, try to stretch the skin a little. In conclusion, the epilation site should be treated again with a solution containing alcohol or special means intended just for the post-epilation period. Just do not try to immediately bikini zone to wrap in clothes. Give her an hour to breathe. The effect of the electro-epilator lasts up to half a month.

With waxing , everyone knows everything . This is epilation with the help of resin, wax, sugar, and other folk recipes. Today, wax is most often used. This method is the most modern. Wax is heated and put on the skin, when it stiffens it with a sharp movement is removed along with the hairs. Distinguish between cold, warm and hot wax. The most painless hair removal is waxing with hot wax. In this way you will get rid of annoying hairs for a month. Just remember, it's better not to do the procedure with hot wax yourself, but to contact a professional.

Shugaring or epilation with sugar is less common, but it causes people great interest. If the wax should be specifically purchased, then everyone has sugar at home. Of course, you can use a mixture of sugar and lemon juice. But best of all, honey with strong tinctures of chamomile and walnut shell. Chamomile disinfects, and the shell containing iodine burns the hair bulb.

At home you are available and depilation. Hair removal for women who are afraid of pain. But notice, depilation and less effective. It removes hair not from the root, but only the upper visible part. Therefore, after such procedures, you will see newly emerging hairs soon enough.

Mechanical depilation . It uses an ordinary shaving machine. Having made preliminary degreasing and disinfection, you shave your hair, as many experts advise, on their growth. Then process the zone of bikini means after depilation. And after a few days repeat the procedure, since there is a stiff bristle.

Chemical depilation. Today there are many creams for chemical depilation. They contain substances that not only dissolve the visible part of the hair, but also affect the neck, the gap between the root and the outer part of the hair. Thanks to this, there are no black dots left on the shaved hair. You apply the chemical composition to the bikini area. After a certain time, You can easily take it off with a spatula With dropped hairs. The result of chemical depilation lasts about a week.

This method is contraindicated in women with excessively sensitive skin. Especially if the skin is irritated, inflamed for some reason, it has minor cuts, it is better to refrain from chemical depilation.

Chemical discoloration acts as a discoloration of the hair. First of all, a clarifier is applied to the skin, and then it is washed off. Hairs spoil, become fragile. But that is not all. After that, during the day, the hair should be wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. After a while they dry up completely.

If you still want to remove hair for a longer period of time, it is worthwhile to apply In cosmetology cabinets. In addition to epilation with hot wax, you will be offered hardware procedures, although at higher prices.