Recipes of hair removal (hair removal) Hair removal

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Have you ever lost your spirit, lost in the long lines of cosmetic products in the supermarket? If yes, then this article is for you. What to choose from hundreds of means that promise to make hair on your head smoother, cleaner and silky, and dozens of tools that promise to get rid of hair on others, including the most delicate areas of the body? Which tool is most effective? By what principle do they operate? Is it really possible to do without them?


Shaving is the most "cheap and angry" means of hair removal. For the shaving procedure, you only need warm water, a shaving machine, and - if desired - a gel or shaving cream. Shaving does not require prior recording in the salon - the effectiveness of the procedure depends entirely on your skill and diligence.

However, like most cosmetic procedures, shaving has some side effects - it is accompanied by a burning sensation, after it, cuts and scratches, irregularities and ingrown hairs are often left on the skin. Growth of hairs occurs when they are cut below the skin level. When cut off under the root of the hair begins to grow, it does not grow up from the follicle, but into the surrounding tissue. The hair begins to curl and grow into the skin, which causes inflammation, redness and swelling at the location of the hair follicle.

Tip: Use shaving machines with safety floating heads - this reduces the risk of cuts and scratches. In addition, it is better to shave after a shower or a bath, when the skin is softened with warm water. Move the machine slowly in slow movements, change the blades more often and do not forget to use moisturizing cream to soften the hair. Although most people shave their hair in the direction opposite to the direction of hair growth, shaving in the opposite direction is more effective and helps prevent ingrown hairs. If you still encounter this problem, try removing the upper layer of skin peeling with loofah, then pull out the ingrown hair with tweezers, previously rubbed with alcohol.


Plucking out the hair is a rather laborious and often painful procedure that takes a lot of time (after all, one hair can be pulled out at a time). However, it has one (but very significant) advantage - it's cheap, because it requires only cosmetic tweezers or tweezers.

Because of the painful procedure, it is recommended to use it only to remove hair in small areas of the body, for example, to remove excess hair in the eyebrow area, above the upper lip and on the chin. In this case, the problem of hair ingrowth is also possible. After plucking, you can see a temporary reddening of the skin, which is due to inflammation of the hair follicle.

Tip: use only sterile forceps. If you are in doubt about the sterility of the instrument, wipe it with alcohol or cologne before use to insure against infection.

Use of depilation means

Depilatory creams are inexpensive, effective, they can be easily found in pharmacies, cosmetic stores and even supermarkets. Depilatories are best for removing hair on the legs, in the armpit and bikini zone, to remove facial and chin hair, you will need to look for creams with a special formula.

The main drawback of depilatory creams is the sloppiness of the procedure and the unpleasant sharp odor that causes irritation in many women. If you have sensitive skin, an allergic reaction to the chemical ingredients of depilatories is possible, which manifests as a rash or inflammation of the skin. Please note that depilatory creams are not suitable for people with stiff hairs .

Tip: carefully read the information on the package and use depilatory means, following the instructions exactly - do not cover the skin with tons of cream and do not leave it for a long time. This is unlikely to improve the result, but will certainly cause skin irritation.


The effect of hair removal by wax surpasses the most optimistic expectations and persists for a long time. Sets for waxing at home can be purchased at supermarkets and pharmacies. The hair growing after hair removal has a more subtle structure, so they are less noticeable - this is the advantage of waxing compared to other methods of hair removal, in particular shaving.

Many people consider the main drawback of hair removal by wax a sharp pain accompanying hair removal with the root. Also, after epilation, redness, inflammation of the skin and the formation of small irregularities at the site of hair removal are possible. Professional hair removal by wax is quite an expensive procedure, especially in comparison with other methods of hair removal.

Epilation with wax is contraindicated in diabetic patients, because they are particularly susceptible to infections. Also, this procedure is not recommended for adolescents taking anti-acne medications, for example, tretinoin and isotretinoin, since it only increases the sensitivity of the skin, and to people with moles, skin diseases and sunburn.

Tip: for the procedure to be effective, the hair should grow at least 6 millimeters, so pre-epilation will have a few weeks not to shave. Epilation with wax is best for removing hair on the legs, in the bikini and eyebrows zone.

Hair removal by electrolysis

Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal.

Electrolysis is a very expensive and also time-consuming, therefore it is used only to remove hair in small areas of the body, for example, over the upper lip, the eyebrows and in the armpits. Many women consider this procedure painful, in addition, it can cause dryness and inflammation of the skin, and the appearance of scarring. Using unsterilized needles can lead to infection.

Tip: if you are interested in this method of hair removal, discuss it with your ... doctor. He or She may be able to recommend an electrologist with the proper credentials.

Laser hair removal (photoepilation)

Advantages of photoepilation - its result persists for a long time, and in addition, it can be used to remove hair from large areas of the body .

The laser hair removal session will cost you a pretty penny, but it's worth it. The side effects of photoepilation are inflammation and redness of the skin.

Tip: applying packets of ice to the treated areas of the skin helps to relieve inflammation after the procedure. It is also not recommended after the procedure to expose the skin to the action of sunlight.

Use of medicines

The cream containing eflornithine can be purchased at the pharmacy by prescription. It suppresses and prevents the growth of facial hair (especially in women). This cream should be applied twice a day until the facial hair becomes thin and brittle, like a fluff. Side effects of the cream are skin irritation and acne. Before using this cream, consult a doctor or dermatologist.

Hormonal medications are another tool that dermatologists recommend to remove unwanted vegetation. The hormone androgen is responsible for hair growth in undesirable places, and drugs containing antiandrogen block its production, and, consequently, hair growth. Oral contraceptives are often used in combination with such hormonal medications, which enhances their effectiveness and contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Only you decide whether to get rid of hair, or not, and if so, in what way. Hair removal does not affect the health. Do not be influenced by others and do not remove hair, if they do not interfere with you. In some cultures, vegetation on the body of a woman is considered a natural sign of beauty, so act as you see fit!