Infinite emptiness.

There was a desire to make an effect of infinite emptiness. You can use such a device in modding, for example, on the side wall of the case. This creates an effect of an empty case. In the decor of the interior can get a good table or a lamp with the effect of the tunnel.

Computer modding

The design consists of two parallel mirrors, one of which is translucent, as in a laser resonator. If you place a light source between these mirrors, then a very beautiful effect of a tunnel with a backlight going into the distance is created.

This will slightly reduce the viewing angle, but not much and the device will not lose its attractiveness. Now about the depth of the tunnel. The apparent depth is determined by two factors: the distance between the mirror and the semitransparent mirror, and the degree of transmission of the semitransparent mirror.

As a semitransparent mirror, glass with a specular coating of Reflekta brand manufactured in France is used. But there are domestic analogues. To determine the suitability of the glass, make a small experiment: put the edge of the mirror in parallel with the cut and the cut that you are going to use, and place a light source between them. An ordinary lighter will do. So you can visually determine how your device will look.

You can put the usual window as a front window, only with it you can not achieve a great depth and all the insides will be clearly visible. The depth can be defined as follows - the distance between the mirrors should be multiplied by sixteen, this will be the apparent depth of the tunnel. When using red LEDs, the depth will be even slightly larger due to less red light scattering.

To use this device as a piece of furniture, it is necessary to make a case made of chipboard, such as shown in the picture. As practice shows, it is quite enough for the house to have the dimensions of a 600 X 600 millimeter lamp and the distance between the mirrors of 75 to 80 millimeters. But the more, the more spectacular the lamp looks. It all depends on your imagination and financial situation.

Tunnel effect

In the drawings, I deliberately do not specify the dimensions, it depends entirely on your design. Use a power supply with 50% power margin, this will ensure long-term operation.