A bouquet of roses from maple leaves.

There are crafts, living long, pleasing to the eye, decorating the interior. And there are only a few days. But they reflect the beauty of the moment, fleeting colors of autumn. Such a maple bouquet can be made very quickly. But what an original and unusual it will be a gift!

1. Take a medium-sized sheet.

2. Bend back the upper part.

3. Fold the sheet into the tube.

4. Take the second sheet, also fold in half and place behind the tube.

5. Bend back a small edge.

6. Wrap the left and right sides of the sheet forward.

7. Do the same with other leaves. On the flower can go 5-7 leaves.

8. The last sheet should be the largest, because you need to carefully wrap the whole flower in it.

9. Fix the flower with threads at the base. All the stems of the leaves come together and become like a foot of a flower.

10. That, in fact, that's all. For a fast bouquet the flower is ready. It remains to make a few more flowers, surround them with maple leaves and bind the entire bouquet. To keep it a little longer, the leaves surrounding it are recommended to iron.


11. Leg of the flower, ie, all the stems can be wrapped together with a paper tape.

12. Then the variants of bouquets can be more. For example, there are quite a few trees with leaves that resemble roses. They are still green in the period of maple color. Several cut branches can be put in water together with roses.

Bouquet of maple roses