Hammock for a dacha with your own hands.

Homemade hammock

Hammock - a means of removing fatigue, stress, psychological stress. It always comes a deep and calm sleep. It's nice to just lie on and dream. And no special skills for making a hammock is required. Work, however, have to, but the fun - for the whole summer!

Coarse calico width of 220 cm, 3 m
Synthepon, 50 cm
Nylon cap with a diameter of 4mm
Slings 3 cm wide, 5.2 m
Shank for shovel
Acrylic dye in tone of calico

Hacksaw for wood
Coarse Sandpaper

1. Open two rectangular canvases in the size of 150 x 200 cm and stack them face to face on the short sides so that the "ring" turns out. Turn out the workpiece and iron the seams, smoothing the allowances in one direction. Attach the strap along the long sides of the hammock 5 cm from the edge: on the lower fabric - along the entire edge, on the top - 35 cm from the stitch. Do not cut the line, do so that the lower fabric goes to the top (see the diagram).

Homemade hammock

2. Tune 4 pieces of slings (70 cm) to the transition from the bottom to the top canvas (see diagram). This is necessary for the secure attachment of the hammock. Sew the edges of the hole for the crossbar. Fold the canvas and grind it in several places. Lay on the line (on the front side) the stitching lines, connecting the pieces of the slings of the upper and lower cloths. Stitch them along the entire length, leaving a 5 cm hole for the crossbar.

Making a hammock

3. Grind the canvas of the hammock by laying lines along its long sides 30 cm from the edge (see diagram). Cut the sintepon into 2 strips measuring 25 x 125 cm and enclose the seal in the "pockets".


4. Fold the edge of the hole 2 cm inwards and grind the canvas.

Sewing hammock

5. Line a line along the edge (along the long sides of the hammock), closing the hole left for the sintepon.

6. Make 3 stitching stitches on each sinteponovoy band, placing them along the entire length at the same distance from each other.

7. Saw a wooden shank in half. Cut a shallow groove 2 cm from each edge (1 cm apart). Make a chisel groove for the rope. Treat the spills with sandpaper. Paint the surface of the wood with acrylic paint and leave to dry for 2 hours.


8. Detach the cushers for the crossbeams by laying the seams 5 cm from the short edges at the ends of the hammock. Insert them into the holes, evenly taking the cloth. Tie the rope to the ends, fixing it with knots on the cut grooves. Homemade hammock is ready for operation :)

Tip: For high-growth people, make a long hammock - using the entire width of the fabric (220 cm). If you have chosen a fabric of standard width (150 cm), it will need more - 4-4.5 m (depending on how long you need a hammock: 200-225 cm).