Hours from the hard drive.

Surely you already heard about the wall clock made from a hard disk. The idea is original, but the following mod can not be called plagiarism. The authors of another "hard clock" decided to make everything much easier than their predecessors. To create this project you need only a drill and the main tools that are in every house. Even knowledge of electronics is not needed.

So, here's what you need:

- HDD. It is desirable to find a faulty specimen. This article was attended by the old 5.25-inch hard drive. In principle, you can use disks and other sizes, there's nothing wrong with that;
- Cheap Chinese watches. Although we will only need two things: the clock mechanism itself and the two arrows;
- in this fashion, a piece of IDE-plume was used to fix the resulting clock to the wall;
- Six drawers of your favorite drink to wash a new cool watch.

We need the following tool:
- a hand drill with two drills of different sizes;
- Screwdriver Set;
- a hammer;
- if you fix the clock to the wall you, then you need an IDE cable
- knife and hot glue.

So, let's get to work. The first thing to do is to remove the top protective cover of the hard drive. Usually the necessary screws are hidden behind the inscription with a warning about the loss of the guarantee.

Clock from hard drive


Then remove the screws holding the plates. Do this as carefully as possible so as not to touch the surface of the pancakes. Keep them the best for the edges. During this fashion, the first plate is easily detached. In order to remove the second one, we had to dismantle the hard disk head unit a little. During these barbaric actions, brute force can be useful, since the pancakes are firmly fixed in their places.


Disassemble winchester

After removing all the plates, it is necessary to start the engine of the hard drive. The top cover, to which the pancakes are attached, must be removed. With a screwdriver and a hammer, all bearings are removed from it.

Hard drive mechanism

The next step is to drill a hole in the center of the hard disk drive from one side to the other. This is a very difficult task, it took a very long time for the author to spend it. The fact is that almost all the parts inside are metal. Moreover, the drills were not quite suitable for this business. Earned, the author of the fashion even drilled a part of the table. So be careful, do not repeat the mistakes made.

Next, you need to put in place the plates and the head unit. Then insert the spindle into the hole to fix the arrows. The clock mechanism itself should be located behind the hard drive. Next, put the hard drive cover back on. On the spindle, wear the minute and second hands and fasten the protective cap.


If you want to make the clock desktop, then the mod can be considered complete. If you want to admire the beauty on the wall, then you need a couple of simple operations. In our case, the clock mechanism is shifted to the top of the hard drive. In order for the clock to hang exactly on the wall, it is necessary to attach something from below. The author in this situation came up with an original and easy solution. He took an ordinary IDE-cable, cut off 15 cm. Then he inserted one end into the appropriate connector on the hard drive, and another hid it for him, while twisting to the required diameter. After that, I just stuck it to the hard drive and hung it on the wall.

Wall Clock

That's the end of a brief description of a very interesting fashion. The main charm lies in the simplicity and cheapness of production. A broken hard drive is found by many, no special tools were used, everything is ordinary and common. The mechanism of Chinese watches can be purchased in any market for a ridiculous amount. But what a final result! Your friends and relatives will be simply shocked by such wonderful and unusual hours. So drive hard and go ahead.

By the way, do not forget about bought boxes of your favorite drink. Call your friends to your home and make a good note of the good mod.