How to build a boat with your own hands. Part 2.

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And, of course, there were some shoals. When installing one of the nasal frames was skewed and one board protruded outward. This is the consequences of applying the technology of "stitch and glue" - to properly install frames is a very scrupulous business and does not tolerate haste. The saddest thing is that it was found only when installing the top of the boards. The left side stood up perfectly, without a strong brace and other tweaks. The right side in the bow did not stand up, and only then was the jamb found.

Fig.16. Here such "jamb". Obviously, the edge of the side is visible.

I had to disconnect the attached frame and reinstall it. I do not want to dwell on this procedure in detail, but one thing is for sure - it's always harder to remodel than to do it anew. Especially when you do for yourself a loved one, i.e. On conscience. Epoxy resin with aerosil proved to be a sufficiently strong connection. With the help of a chisel and "some mother", it was possible to tear down the frame and rearrange it to the correct place.

Fig. 17. As can be seen, as a result, the board straightened and the gap between the parts disappeared.

Then the work went smoothly, albeit slowly enough due to the fact that he worked alone. After installing the part of the board, which was littered inwards, it was necessary to take up the manufacture of a private beam. The guard beam was decided to be made external and by force. For this, there is no inside at the junction of the details of the sides of the stringer. The role of the stringer will be performed by a private bar, which will be made of oak. Oak boards for doors with section 80х10 in length of 2,3 m were bought. Then with an electric jigsaw it was dissolved in half. It is from these racks and planned to make a private beam.

On the installation of a private beam, perhaps, we can dwell in somewhat more detail. It was done so - in the rack, they drilled in advance along the entire length of the screw holes. And starting with the nose on the epoxy resin and screws fastened rake. Screws were chosen thick and short with a large bonnet, which can withstand serious force when unscrewing after gluing. Each day, one layer of racks was installed. The next day the screws were twisted. The coupon was supposed to be strong enough, for this purpose 3 layers of racks were installed. Each subsequent rack was installed with a shift upwards by 8-10 mm. Since The upper surface of the bar was assumed to be perpendicular to the diametral plane. After polymerization of the resin and extraction of the last screw using a planer and a belt grinder, the regular bar was given the correct shape.

Fig. 18. This is how the private bar is installed.

It took a week to install and finish the private beam. The work is dull, but the result pleased. Next came the turn of the deck. In the stern there are two lockers for the battery, ropes and other vitally important garbage. The installation was not carried out on a pure epoxy. Aerosil was added. Such a composition has good strength, but it does not flow. Surplus of this paste after installation of details of a deck at once went on filling of apertures above hats of screws.

After the polymerization of the resin, all was ground and the surface was smooth. In the bow part of the deck an anchor box was supposed. The installation of the bow part of the deck also did not cause any questions, everything fell into place, gathered and screwed up. Of course, the power harness of the anchor box was made before the installation of the deck. The photographs show that the size of the bow box would have to be made bigger. This understanding came only in the autumn, when on the birthday of a friend handed me two anchors. The friend is asking his brother for a long time what boat, what weight, height, etc. are supposed. Since In the store he was tortured by similar questions. As a result, the anchors turned out to be impressive. A kilogram of 7 each.

Fig. 19. One of the rear lockers.

Fig. 20. The chest was deep enough. Good or bad - it will be seen.

Fig. 21. Recess, lockers and side deltas.

Fig. 22. Bow anchor.

Now the boat has become more or less finished. Once again everything was puttied and sanded. It's time to glue the fiberglass on the top of the sides and deck. There are no photos of this process. When working with resin hands are not allowed to take the camera. On this I will tell in words.

The hardener "Etal 45M" was purchased. Working with this hardener is much easier than with PEPA, but there are some features due to the greater fluidity of the resin. As a result, I can say that it is more convenient to glue the case with the use of the hardener "Ethal 45M" because of the greater fluidity and later time of the polymerization start.

After applying the resin to the surface, I had about two hours to smooth the fiberglass, remove air bubbles and other licking. But from the traditional hardener PEP, too, you should not completely refuse. It is very convenient when gluing wood from each other, especially when adding aerosil. It turns out a fairly thick paste, which allows to glue vertical surfaces. The resin simply does not flow and a neat fillet is immediately made.

About the pasting of anything new I will not say - the process is not fast, requires some experience, which is accumulated in the process. Very quickly comes an understanding of what is being done correctly, and what is not. After pasting it was time for puttying and grinding. This process is endless, and there is no possibility to finish it, therefore at a certain stage it simply stopped further mockery of oneself.

It's time to turn the boat upside down with a keel. One can say one of the main stages of construction. How many times in my head this happened in reflection, and now it really happened. But the thing is done, the boat is turned upside down and the work has continued.

To begin with, the screws of the bonnet, which were sticking out over the surface of the plywood, were turned over. Then it is sanded and treated with a special solution of the place where the mold appeared. Last winter, due to an oversight, water got into the boat. Inside, everything was dry and dry, outside, under the bottom, there was water, which spoiled the surface.

Fig. 23. The process of the coup, front view.

Fig.24. Also, the rear view.

After puttying and sanding of all the sides and the bottom, it was possible to proceed to pasting the bottoms with fiberglass. As already noted above, this process does not contribute to the special purity of the hands, according to this photo of the process itself, too. One thing I can say: after finishing the pasting was a great desire, how to drink and do not remember this process anymore.

Fig. 25. Bottom before puttying and screeding.

But, as you can guess, the process of pasting is not the most difficult and dreary activity one can imagine. Then the puttying began and the surface was brought to a more or less suitable level. Of course, the surface was not perfect, but it more or less corresponds to my understanding of how to do it.

Fig. 26. Established drafts are edited.

Shpaklevku and vyskurivanie can continue indefinitely. As in the case with the deck, at a certain stage, he simply finished the process.

Then you could install editions. The Vedans were made from an oak-plank of which a bar was made. Reiki were glued to the mustache, and then dissolved on a circular along the diagonal, so that a rake of triangular cross section was obtained. Then the plane and tape machine finished the job.

Fig. 27. The boat is once again putty.

Fig. 28. The bottom and sides are scraped and ready for painting.

Further, for the same technology - holes for screws and gluing composition are prepared in advance. Then we use the markup to create edits. After polymerization of the resin screws are removed, and the holes are filled with epoxy resin. Then again, the skin, putty and soft material periodically breaks from the lips. Well, this is very dreary.

Fig. 29. Boat after priming.

But, as they say, "patience and work all peretrut." So I came to the moment to start painting the case. Just want to say - there was an error in the choice of soil. Primer must be used on an epoxy basis, I also used the one that was advised in the store. Primer and paint tikkurilovskie. According to the seller, the paint is very strong and firm. When installing the boat on the trailer it turned out that this is not so. But more on that later.

Painted everything with the help of a compressor and a spray gun. The coloring took 1 kg. Soil and 3 kg. Paints "MIRANOL" produced by Tikkurilla. The results were more or less acceptable. The paint fell more or less evenly, a large number of smudges were avoided. But it was not without them, the lack of experience and probably not quite the right diameter of the nozzle on the sprayer. The work of the painter requires a good experience, which I certainly do not have. Although my conclusions do not say that you do not have to take on, you can not do anything - if you do not do anything, nothing will happen.

Painting of a boat

Fig. 30. Painting.

When I took up the boat, I assumed that I would spend no more than 1.5-2 years on it. How could I be wrong! By the end of the second summer, I had only painted the bottom, and ahead still painting the deck, arranging cockpit interiors, installing glass, appliances, etc. etc. Of course, if you count the net time spent on building, it does not turn out much at all, but the boat is not completely finished.

Time can not stop its run and inexorably came the second autumn of construction. As in the past year, the boy was returned to Moscow and the labor days of the Muscovite began again, troublesome and fussy. But the fuss with the boat was not over yet. Our garages Luzhkov, is going to demolish and we had to prepare a boat for urgent evacuation. For this summer, in the summer, a trailer was purchased, to which the ship was hoisted.

Self-made powerboat

Fig. 31. Brother tries on a boat.

That's all for now. The next year's summer should be marked by a launch on the water. If I can not do this, it will be very insulting. Sinula is impatient to ride a boat, and his wife is already openly grumbling that she spent the second summer at home alone after work. And business home for two years running a little.

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