How to adjust plastic windows

Как отрегулировать пластиковые окна

Window (window opening) or stained - glass window is an architectural detail of construction specially conceived in the construction of the building: an opening in the wall that serves for light entering the room and ventilation. The location, number and size of windows play an important role in the design of the building. Windows are the main (up to 50%) source of heat loss in buildings.

Glass unit - translucent construction for construction purposes from two or more glasses, fastened (glued) to each other along the contour with the help of remote frames and sealants. The purpose of the double-glazed windows as a replacement for conventional glasses is in increasing the resistance to heat transfer of the window, since air and some other gases do not pass heat easily.

Previously, with the onset of winter, people pasted their wooden windows with paper strips and plugged the cracks with foam rubber. With the installation of a plastic window in the room, you can forget about these worries. But often the master installers, quickly coping with their work, forget to tell the happy owners of the new window about two important things, which we will tell you later in our article.

First, all moving parts of the accessories need regular lubrication. Do the procedure at least once a year, pouring the usual engine oil. Secondly, with the change of seasons of the window it is necessary to translate into summer and winter conditions, respectively. To ensure that the rubber bands are not deformed and recovered after a tight porch in the winter, it's enough in summer to not turn the handles completely to the end by 15-30 degrees. At the same time, an influx of fresh air through the microcracks is provided. Take into account that minus any lubrication is the sticking of dust and the smudging of curtains!

Secondly, adjust the special eccentric (trunnion) of the double-glazed unit. Almost all modern designs are available for adjustment. To check if the hardware is being transferred to another mode, it is enough to look at the special eccentrics (trunnions) located on the side surface of the leaf.

If they have openings for hexahedron or screwdriver-sprockets, as well as if the eccentric is oval, then such fittings will certainly be translated into summer or winter mode. But the ability to switch is better to clarify even before the installation of windows.

Как отрегулировать пластиковые окна

To switch the window mode, simply rotate with the appropriate tool all the trunnions on the leaf (the larger the window size, the more their number) in the desired position.

Как отрегулировать пластиковые окна

If the leaf is constantly in winter mode, this leads to an additional load on the rubber band and it wears out more quickly. The force of pressing the window is easy to check. Clamp the usual sheet of paper: if you can easily remove it, the window is in summer mode.

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