The recipe for cooking poison against the Colorado beetle at home

It is necessary to collect a full liter bank of adult Colorado beetles. Take a capacity of 20 liters, pour the beetles there and pour water, close the container. The beetles die, but they will still float on the surface of the water. Over time, they will gradually begin to sink to the bottom - wait 1 week. After a week, the poison will be ready, but in this proportion it will turn out to be highly concentrated (using it undiluted, you risk burning potatoes). Pour the poison into 3 half-liter jars and dilute it with water: in the first half (1: 1), in the second - 1: 2, and in the third - 1: 3. Spray several potato bushes from each jar; A day, check the sprayed bushes and see what concentration is right for your potato variety. Our poison was used freshly prepared; What happens to him during prolonged storage (he is growing stronger or weaker) - we did not experience.