How to grow young potatoes in April / May

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How to grow young potatoes in April / May

In order to get young potatoes in April-May, it is not necessary to grow it in greenhouses. That's how it is necessary to grow it on the backyard. In early August, you need to find in the cellar last year's potatoes. Desirable varieties "Falensky", "Table", "Sedov", "Lorch", etc. Plant the tubers in a well-fertilized land, which is freed from early-shot vegetables. Let potatoes grow here until October, it will even bloom. Before the expected frosts, the tops should be cut to the soil level, so that it does not freeze. When the soil will freeze, cover the planting with a layer of leaves, leaves, peat, needles. Let the potato so winter. If there are big frosts in the winter, snow can be added to the site. In April-May, when the soil recovers and warms up, surprisingly everyone, you can dig up young, fresh potatoes. The taste of it, like the usual young potatoes harvested in June or July.

And now a little bit of arithmetic. In the spring of 1994 1 kg Fresh potatoes went for 30,000 krb. (The US dollar rate was 39000 krb.). From 6 hectare can be collected 500 kg Young potatoes. Implementation 500 kg On 30000 krb. Was at that time 15000000 krb. Or $ 385. And this is in the spring of 1994!

Good luck!